[There is a click of recording for a moment, the sound of someone talking to themselves, and running, the ground seen as they ran. She sounds agitated, upset. No one has ever heard this girl so upset before.]
It’s not FAIR! It’s not… damn it! What the hell do you… you want…You stupid damn shitty island!
[The device is swinging in her hand as she
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... H-Hatori-kun...
We should get you a change of clothes.
[Her refusal of this might also be his first indication that there was something wrong with her, as she had stepped back from him, shaking her head and saying rather strongly.]
N-no. Don't touch! Don't... let me touch. Don't... N-o. Not you too... not you too. You'll just disappear too. or you'll die, or my bad luck... or something will effect you some how and.... and no... not you too...
"I'm not going anywhere." [It seemed like he was having to reassure people of that more and more often. The next words slipped out before he thought about them, he had grown used to talking with outsiders knowing about the Sohma families curse.] "You shouldn't worry about something effecting me, we're already cursed."
N-no... Y-you don't understand. You'll be cursed if you get to close to me. I'll effect you to... [It wasn't sinking in too well, about how he said 'we're already cursed.' Did he mean she already cursed him? he was already effected by her. She blinked, looking up sharply, surprised. Oh no...] A-already? ...
Akito won't like the fact that I'm telling this to someone outside of the family. [In a way he hoped that the head of the family wouldn't find out. If she did Hatori would likely have to erase the memories of yet someone else close to him.] There are members of the Sohma family who are cursed from birth, possessed by the spirit of one of the animals from the Chinese Zodiac.
W-what? [She shivered, tightening her arms around herself, looking to him, very obviously confused. He... he meant he was cursed? Wait, what?] Spirits? the zodi-- n-no ... I meant I'd curs-- [She cut off again, very obviously lost on this conversation. a shaking hand raising to push her hair out of her face.] You already have... a curse on you?
Yes. As does Akito and Shigure. In total there are thirteen members of the zodiac when you include the cat, then there is also Akito. That was the person I had said goodbye to last time we spoke.
I... I don't understand... [Or rather, she understood what he was saying. It wasn't really that surprising, after all she had heard of stranger things. But her head was still stuck on hurting him some how.] N-no I mean... I might curse you if you... ah... [obviously the fact he told her something like that hit her just then. That was who he said bye to? She blinked, arms around herself] I-it came back too then... yours too...
Yes, it returned. The vengeful spirit that has been with me since the day that I was born.
I'm... sorry. I s-should have warned you that... that it would come back. Mines... left and... and come back twice now. I... should have warned you.
Thank you. [The words were for her concern as well as for the tears.] At the very least I was able to enjoy what time I did have without worrying.
N-no.. NO! I... I told you! You... You shouldn't touch me! Y-you shouldn't even be around me! [She might have looked a little angry for a moment, but it turned more to a very worried look for him. Both hands slide up over her face, head down, frustration setting in so very hard. Her shoulders hunched up more, kind if sinking in on herself a bit, head shaking]
No... no Hatori... you don't... don't understand... Oh... n-not you too. Not you too... please not you too. [she'd never wanted Doumeki to be here more in her life then right now. To fix things so Hatori would be safe too.] You'll be hurt. Something bad always happens...
The worst things have already happened. Even if it does it won't be your fault Himawari. [He recalled how Kana looked after the accident. The image still tore at his heart a little, as well as the image of a young Yuki pleading for him not to erase the memory of his friends. Then the way that Himawari looked now.] It was the price I had to pay. Hatori went to walk toward a rock cropping to sit down when he tripped for a moment stumbling forward slightly.]
You don't... understand. No matter how bad you think your luck is... I'll just make it worse. You... you could die you know. [She moved over towards where he meant, but paused, standing there still, arms around her, hand holding the coat tight] It's... not fair to you. [She said that in a tiny voice, red rimmed eyes watching him carefully.]
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