[Video shows her for a moment, her LP having been on her bed, her frantic moment of looking for something having knocked something into turning it on. You can see she's looking for something, then, turning, gives a 'ouch' like look, a hand coming up to cover her mouth, eyes squinting shut, briefly
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I think this might be a very dangerous event for all of us.
Are you all right, Himawari-chan?
F-fine. I'm fine. The event just startled me is all...
If it's something I can help with I'd be more than happy to assist you whatever way I can.
N-no. It's alright. I'm alright. I'm... just hearing that p-powers are switched? And... and you're right. This could be very dangerous...
A-are you okay?
I have blood vials if you need them. Ever since I learned Zero could drink them I've been buying and saving them. When Doumeki became one I gave him a few.
[A long pause.]
I think I might be numb. Like I know that I should be concerned for you but the emotion just...isn't there and what I do show is fake.
I... don't like this event. Ichiru-kun... someone out there is going to have trouble and... I h-have fangs, Ichiru... fangs. [it wasn't bad. It just scared her.]
N-numb? Do you know... who you were switched with?
A lot of people won't like this event, I'm sure. The vials will help you, since you probably don't want to bite anyone. Unlike the ones straight from the shop these ones will taste better than monster blood allowing you to drink them easier. [he made them taste better with his blood.]
No I don't. Not yet anyway. So far that seems to be the only thing I gained...or lost I should say. My sword skills seem to have gotten worse.
I don't want to bite no one, no. I don't even know who's these are...
I wonder who got our abilities...
We can probably figure out what world your new abilities are based in. Every world seems to have different abilities. If you've gained the older Yuuki's fangs it's likely that this - [he pulls a vial of blood from the black bag] will give you the emotions of someone else.
It was probably a switch between two people. The island seems to do things like this in pairs.
There have been many different kinds of vampires here. I don't... like the feel of it though. I don't know how they put up with it. It must feel horrible... [Blinks...] What's that? Emotions of someone else?
I really dislike these kinds of events. Can't we go back to having cat eats and tails?
For someone who didn't want to become a vampire I'm sure it must be rough. [he taps it with a finger.] It's a vial of blood. Vampires from our world can skim emotions from the blood they drink, usually it's a good idea to take blood from someone you like or a willing donor.
[A smile.] I'd prefer that event as well.
So... if these are say... Aidou-kun or Yuuki's fangs... if I drank that I'd feel emotions from someone? [Frowns a bit more] How... long do you think I can go with out drinking anything at all?
You don't know? Aidou's gone home. [A pause before answering her questions.]
If it's Yuuki then biting someone could not just give you their emotions but it could change them into a vampire.
Do you feel hungry right now?
Oh... [Another one gone. And Watanuki is missing now too. If she hadn't felt sick before she did now. This is why she didn't get close to people.] I thought I might have heard someone mention that. G-good for him. He was getting bored here anyhow...
Ah... okay so... well I don't intend to bite anyone anyhow. Mmm hungry though? Umm... craving is more like it, desire. [she curlled up now, frowning] yeah... a bit...
Maybe it's a good idea for you to have one of these, but it's a choice you'll have to make. If you'd like I can bring a few vials over to you just in case.
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