Jan 27, 2005 15:09
Chad if you read this im stuck at the school til four to wait to do a socials midyear exam.
Yes, the one i skipped for the last 2 mornings.
I got pulled out and had to take other makeup tests then. So actually..ive been trying to get this one done, but couldnt.
Instead my lousy socials teacher goes. "Japanese exam!?!?! BULLSHIT! This is socials and all i care about is SOCIALS NOT JAPANESE"
Then proceeds to make a speach infront of the entire class of how hes fead up with our 'shit'. Whatever thats suppose to be taken as.
Well whatever. Now he rescheduled it for four today. I thought the best idea would be just not to go to see how pissed off he gets but then i realized:
Socials sucks
the only way im going to make it through is to not fail so taking this test would probably be a good idea.
I only say that with my post-secondary education in mind, not that they will look at my grade 11 year history. Especially when im going into computer technology and media arts.
Stupid damned...argh...i hate it here. Let me go home.