Oct 26, 2007 11:49
Justin and I have known one another for 18years. I dare say there is NO single person who knows me so well, though he would disagree. He's modest, and he thinks he has no clue about me. That's the magic of me I suppose. Anyhow, I flew down to Burbank a couple days ago to spend some time with him before heading East.
This is an account of our first day...
Justin picked me up from the airport in his little red Fiat. A beautiful day, we took the top off and headed out. People LOVED us. Him gothy SF artsy, me FAST raspberry kamikaze in an awesomely ridiculous little car. We drove straight out for our adventures.
First stop...Food. We found a little street-side Taqueria where we ordered our lunch. It was noisy and busy and entertaining. The heavily made-up transvestite who took our order was incredibly patient. Our order came up, his; a normal burrito. Mine; an entire fried fish. Head, Tail, eyes and all. Somehow, despite my flawless Spanish...wink, I managed to order exactly the thing I wanted least. We made it an event though. Spreading all the food out across the table and grazing from one another's plate. Thankfully, he was excited about the fish.
After lunch, we drove over to his friend Dave's place...Absolutely one of the most amazing homes I have EVER been in. Dave works in a home owned by an eccentric inventor. The home, once a normal hillside mansion, had been converted to themed rooms and play spaces by the same designer who did the Bellagio. Again, the most amazing home I have ever been in. There was the Dungeon...whatever you imagine-yes. The showgirl backstage costume rooms. Ellaborate stage make-up mirrors and racks of costumes that made my skin tickle. Pink satin and feather boas for DAYS. The South Beach Florida bathroom-all scalloped glass and flamingos. The Edwardian room with a bed the size of the crack palace. The Bat Cave, the Wild West, the Alice in Wonderland room-completely upside-down with the grass and tree roots in the ceiling and the tree branches and puffy-spongy clouds on the floor. The 60's room, the 70's room, the Jamaica bathroom, the Victorian sitting room...I am certain I am forgetting at least 6 more.
After that, we headed over to the Aetherius Society. You'll have to check this one out for yourself. (www.aetherius.org) Paul, we're on first name basis now, gave us a fantastically detailed tour and introduction. It was awesome. I was tempted to purchase my own crystal and stay for a chant or two. Alas, we had other places to get to.
This day is NOT over. Just wait...there's more later