i miss him =(

Jun 14, 2004 09:03

yea, i was reading through a bunch of my old entries (i.e. buzzfest, mosh pits, and the finals one, etc.) and i read one of them where i was really anxious to be getting ungrounded...well, here i am two weeks later, grounded again. lmao! this time it's only for a week, but it still kinda sucks...well sorta. the only day that i wasn't working throughout the duration of my punishment was last friday, and that was the day that i was gonna go to astroworld with stephan =(. but i got to see him that night, so it wasn't like i'd never ever see him again. but that's what it is today ='(. he leaves katy around 11 this morning and his flight is at 2. he came to my house last night while i was at work, hoping someone would be home, and put 5 roses on my door <3. to tell you the truth, i kinda started tearing up a little bit when i read his note that was in the bouque...but anyways, enough about me tearing up...i'm really gonna miss him. i mean i spent at least 5 months of my life with mainly him. i don't regret a single day i had with him. i'm really gonna miss having him around all the time. i love you stephan, and i can't wait to hear from you when you get to norway. =( have fun over there and party hard this summer.


LoL. this entry started out to be about how i got grounded within less than 2 weeks of being ungrounded, but i like the way it ended up.
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