I need to re-join the LJ world . . .

Apr 10, 2010 01:30

I haven't been a regular poster on here in years.  I tweet and post to Facebook quite a bit, but micro-blogging is just too difficult sometimes.  I can be quite the verbose writer.  Plus I think LJ could serve as a form of therapy for me . . . away to get things off my chest, process issues I'm going through, and maybe get some input from others instead of keeping most things inside.  I rarely talk to people outside of work.  I'm really quite a hermit, for the most part.  It'd be good for me to actually "talk" to people (or maybe just myself) somehow instead of always lurking in the background or just posting short messages on other sites.  I'm a fairly active reader of some communities on here, but I don't post much unless I feel I can add to the conversaton or if I just have a question about something or am looking for more information.  Any way, this was pretty random.  I doubt it's anything anybody is going to read, but I'm sort of thinking aloud, only on LJ instead of speaking.  I need to do something like this more often.  I have been severely neglecting writing and my writing skills have nearly gone down the drain since I graduated from college in '05.  I'm not really using them at work, although I would *love* to edit the newsletter and other publications/handouts circulating there.  I may be rusty, but I think I could offer something to others when it comes to correcting most grammar, punctuation and spelling.  I could care less how I write on here . . . well, mostly.  I don't want to look like a total 'tard, but I also don't want to have to bust out one of my many style manuals or take up too much time trying to proofread something that's just going on a personal blog.  I don't take this internet business that seriously.  However, I have considered writing a book at some point.  My current job isn't allowing me to really use either of my degrees and I hate to think I'm completely pissing away money by repaying my student loans.  I plan on staying where I'm at job-wise for at least a few years longer because I love the people I work with and I think I kick ass at my job.  But, I think that writing a book or something could help me out should I ever get into one of my fields of choice.  It could also potentially be an extra source of income or maybe just something therapeutic to help ease the stresses of my current job.  I don't know what I'd write about, but I'm sure I'll figure it out some day.  For now I'm just going to take up space on peoples' friend pages by rambling on and on about nothing (a.k.a. my life and random musings).  LOL.  :oP
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