Loose lips sink ships I will see you in the water!

May 26, 2006 10:01

"The best part of "Believe" is the "Lie"!" I Believed a lot of things in 2004 and 2005 and the beginning of the 2006 and the best part of all the them was the lie!  Maybe I should stop listening to itunes and watching videos and picking lyrics or maybe I should go back over why I choose to trust certain people. My belief system keeps getting a good kick in the pants. And I keep listening to bands that i laughed at when they hit the shelves. did i sell out or are these bands getting better? As far as some of these pretty boy bands go they actually are funny and not bad at singing. i did not know they where pretty till it was to late. oh well my secret's out ( and like the pretty boy rock band i was listening to would say) its not even a good one. Most all of you would kick me off your friends list if you could see how lame my play list is.

other song lyrics to ponder

"To the love, I left my conscience pressed
Between the pages of the Bible in the drawer
"What did it ever do for me" I say
It never calls me when I'm down
Love never wanted me
But I took it anyway
Put your ear to the speaker
And choose love or sympathy
But never both, no
To the love I left my conscience pressed
Through the keyhole I watched you dress
Kiss and tell
(Loose lips sink ships)"

I kiss and tell. Perhaps people should not kiss people they don't like.