and here we go with zine sales list #3!

Feb 01, 2010 11:06

Permission to forward:

Here's an additional list of zines for sale.

Prices do not include postage (zines can be mailed media or priority, or first
class if they're light enough). If you're interested in anything on the list,
please e-mail me at, so I can tell you if it's still
available. I accept PayPal, checks, or postal money orders as payment.

I hope you see something you like!

Zine title fandom genre price
A Handful of Snowflakes Classic Trek gen $7
Alliance and Empire 1 Classic Star Wars gen $17
Below the Surface 1 Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea gen $12
Captain's Log 1 Classic Trek gen $3
Captain's Log 2 Classic Trek gen $5
Captives Magnificent 7 gen $10
Choices Magnificent 7 gen $10
Crossignals 6 multifandom gen $10
Curses RGB/Stargate SG-1 gen $10
Cursum Perficio X-Files gen $10
Despatch 41 Classic Trek gen $5
Diverse Doings 5 multifandom slash $11
Door to Heaven 1 Stargate SG-1 gen $25
Eridani 1 ST:TNG gen $7
Eridani 10 ST:TNG gen $9
Eridani 12 ST:TNG gen $10
Eridani 12 ST:TNG gen $10
Eridani 16 ST:TNG gen $10
Eridani 17 ST:TNG gen $10
Eridani 19 ST:TNG gen $10
Eridani 21 ST:TNG gen $10
Eridani 23 ST:TNG gen $10
Eridani 24 ST:TNG gen $10
Eridani 29 ST:TNG gen $10
Eridani 3 ST:TNG gen $9
Eridani 4 ST:TNG gen $10
Eridani 5 ST:TNG gen $7
Eridani 7 ST:TNG gen $8
Fallen Angel Classic Trek gen $4
Far from the Home I Love Classic SW/Magnificent 7 gen $12
Federation Classic 2 Classic Trek gen $10
Federation Standard ST:TNG gen $10
Flanking Maneuvers 3 Rat Patrol slash $12
Food of the Gods RGB/Stargate SG-1 gen $12
Frighted Peace ST:TNG gen $8
Hailing Frequencies 2 ST:TNG gen $3
Hailing Frequencies 3 ST:TNG gen $3
Haven 1 ST:TNG gen $16
Il Traviato X-Files slash $10
In a Different Reality 24 Classic Trek gen $3
In a Different Reality 7 Classic Trek gen $3
Keymaster RGB/Stargate SG-1 gen $12
Kin of the Same Womb Born Classic Trek gen $8
Lines in the Sand 1 Rat Patrol gen $16
Lines in the Sand 2 Rat Patrol gen $16
Make it So 13 ST:TNG gen $7
Make it So 19 ST:TNG gen $7
Make it So 23 ST:TNG gen $8
Masiform D Classic Trek gen $8
More Combinations ST:DS9 slash/adult $12
More Trek Tales Classic Trek gen $6
Myth Makers 3 Dr. Who gen $3
Nexus Real Ghostbusters gen $10
Ni Var - Reunion and Farewell Classic Trek gen $8
Number One 2 ST:TNG gen $12
Orion 34 Classic Trek gen $6
Orion 35 Classic Trek gen $7
Paths of the Dead Real Ghostbusters gen $10
Remote Control 13 multifandom gen $14
Remote Control 17 multifandom gen $16
Remote Control 18 multifandom gen $16
Remote Control 19 multifandom gen $16
Remote Control 20 multifandom gen $15
Remote Control 21 multifandom gen $12
Remote Control 4 multifandom gen $14
Remote Control 6 multifandom gen $15
Remote Control 7 multifandom gen $12
Remote Control 9 multifandom gen $14
Remote Control Goes to War 2 military multifandom gen $13
Remote Control Goes to War 3 military multifandom gen $13
Sanctuary X-Files gen $9
Tarkalean Tea ST:DS9 slash $17
Tesseract multifandom gen $4
The Compleat Kershu Fighter Classic Trek gen $12
The Displaced Classic Trek gen $10
The Eighth Plain and Simple Zine ST:DS9 slash $10
The Farthest Frontier 2 Classic Trek gen $5
The Ninth Plain and Simple Zine ST:DS9 slash $10
The Return of Robert Makepeace Stargate SG-1 gen $10
The Second Beast ST:DS9 gen $10
The Seventh Chevron 1 Stargate SG-1 gen $15
The Seventh Chevron 3 Stargate SG-1 gen $15
The Skeptic and the Believer 3 X-Files gen $10
The Temporal Times multifandom gen $5
Vulcan Madness Classic Trek gen $8
Warped Space 31/32 multifandom gen $10
We Got One! 1 Real Ghostbusters gen $10
We Got One! 3 Real Ghostbusters slash $12

fanzines, zine sale, zines

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