MORE.. Peoples Choice HILARITY

Jan 26, 2010 11:16

I LOVE Queen Latifah.. and how I missed this the first time around is BEYOND ME


"What the hell is an eyebrow stylist?"

"Fine, leave me. I'll just get the werewolf to do the show"

So obviously I posted FAR too fast before.. because there are WAY too many gems for me to just add here so I bequeath you the LINK

Robin Hood

Not sure if anything will ever beat Kevin Costner -

but the clip made me think our Rusty might do a good job

Not MUCH interest in Clash of the Titans... looks.. very much like The 300
that was even a little strange for me and I LOVE strange, to the left of center movies...

And fellow Aussie Hugh Jackman accepting an award and having a bunch of yobos in the crowd chanting AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE


one of my favorite rappers of ALL TIME (I'm kind of in love with his lips..gah) LL Cool J was backstage

and btw the bod..

and the Lutz.. backstage. .. I think he spoke I was just FAR too busy staring at the preteh..

AND the dipshit that interviewed Alyson Hannigan backstage.. didn't recognize Alexis Denisof.. her husband

and ALSO HELLOO two little shows called

Wesley Wyndam-Pryce ring a bell bitch??
Kids these days...


I'm a die hard Survivor Fan.. back in the day when our stupid free to air channels here wouldn't show the seasons, I would READ them (I had dial up..) over on Television Without Pity (which in my opinion has gone to SHIT ever since they let the big wigs by them out.. the snark just isn't the same.. I even read Dawsons Creek even though I LOVED that show.. I read the whole SERIES of Everwood because it didn't screen here and I kinda fell in love with Ephraim through some random blog i clicked across onec... I read the end of Party of Five because it never aired here.. so sad)

ANYhoo.. So me and Survivor go waaaaay back, Richard Hatch
season one walking around as a NUDIST.

Colby from Texas who won Survivor : Australian Outback (I was and still am kinda in love with this guy)

Johnny Fair Play or whatever his name was.. who I STILL believe is the evilest most manipulative player of all time.

And Rupert the loveable giant from Pearl Islands..

Yes I'm obsessed.. and I CAN NOT FREAKING WAIT for

Heroes and Villains..

Maybe I should have JUST done a post on Survivor for my love of it knows no bounds

Things I'm excited about..

How epic the backstabbing and plotting will be in this.

Boston Rob .. the one they filmed their whole wedding ceremony for JUST because they found "love" on the All Stars season?  I kinda love Rob because he is evil but has a great smile.. that makes up for it right?

and JT is back! My other love.. really I should just stalk these Survivor winners.. I'd be happy with Colby or JT.. they're gorgeous, have southern accents which for some reason apart from the Boston accent is something that revv's my engine (is this tmi? nooo) and they're SUCH lovely guys!  Of course they wouldn't be when I was finished with them....


Things I'm going to whine about..

All the "stars" I love to hate, those I sit at the screen and
SCREAM SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY are all going to be there.

in particular..

Dipshit annoying "Dragon Slayer" I hate him. I don't often hate people but this guy, HATE.
and I still giggle at how much I think Jeff agreed with me

Quote from HERE read the original HEREI am seriously considering a show called The Dragon Slayer. It's about a guy who lives in a world that exists solely in his own mind, and thus is invisible to the outside world. While it is the year 2009, the Dragon Slayer dresses like he's just returned from one of those Renaissance fairs where he's just finished eating a turkey leg the size of a small dog. We'll simply follow his daily life, where every time he leaves his home offers the potential for a life changing, near-death, journey. Every episode concludes with his signature line:

Coach: "Hence my name, the dragon slayer."

The guy is a grade A DOUCHEBAG.

And Randy from Gabon.. as annoying and self righteous as he was.. I kinda liked him but again. DOUCHE

movies: twilight saga, tv = the other love, movies: coming soon, video

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