Oct 22, 2013 22:47

so the weekend is over and I'm back at work tomorrow at the ridiculously early hour of 6am (which means I'm there by half five.. ugh)(but i DO finish at 2pm so.. win?)

and it was literally one of the best weekends of my life. Which sounds cheesy as all get out but it's true.
First, it was spent with some incredibly awesome fun company in enomis57, then it was PAMPER time in the 5 star hotel and the pedicures (which I MAY have giggled so loudly Sim could hear me in another room ENTIRELY), then it was art galleries and really weird 'modern art' exhibits including a 45min video of a man dancing in his pants with golden star stickers on his nipples with xmas lights in the background.... BUT we did get free coffee's after filling in a survey at GOMA :D, we MAY have stalked out the bar area at 11 that night to see if 1D were actually staying in the city - but alas, on our part, they were all at the Gold Coast.

Secondly, it was our spur of the moment "oh, do you happen to have any spare tickets to saturday or sundays concerts?" that had us getting all glammed up after some fantastic nanna naps in our white robes (not fluffy, let down tbh)

and READY to head out to Boondal for the FIRST of our now TWO concerts featuring what turned out to be the amazeballs 5 Seconds of Summer and of course.. the reason for our entire Ladies of Leisure Weekend.

We had floorish tickets this time which was just.. wow. tbh. We were soooo close to B stage and the atmosphere was CRAZY with the jumping around and dancing and it was EVERYTHING i expected and more! Of course, my phone takes the SHITTIEST shots but.. for life preservation here we go:



it's weird that I can't remember much of the silly from that night... i probably should have written things down! but I do remember the twitter questions were pretty lame, make kookaburra sounds which they couldn't because they had NO idea what one was (its a bird..), something about what type of biscuit/cookie they'd be - harry wanted to be a hob nob, liam said tim tam in his very best aussie accent, i /think/ louis said oreo? idk and the last q was about their favourite subway sandwich which obviously niall took about an hour to answer... Louis DID say we were the loudest and best of the whole tour.. which of course he probably said to every other city but. WHATEVS HE SAID IT TO US!

Thirdly, was our day by the pool

in which we did absolutely NOTHING but relax and well.. get sunburned. a lot. my legs and forehead look like lobsters. :( :( But it wasn't long till we were back at Boondal and being WOWED by yet another set of fantastic seats and Mikey's new PINK hair and boys being playful jumping around the place.



Twitter q's had us GIGGLING with the lads doing their best animal impressions and as overtly sexual as it was watching Harry climb Liam like a tree to be a koala and LIAM JUST HOLDING HIM UP WITH ONE ARM WHILE STILL TALKING ON HIS MIC there was Louis being a penguin which was ADORBS (vid and image below not mine)

image Click to view

oh yes, because Liam spinning Zayn around bridal style and knocking Harry to the GROUND after.. possibly BSE... was a thing and Harry crawling off to the side of stage while Louis asked if he was alright and liam and zayn laughed so much Louis had to ask if they were "quite finished" before Niall did his end speech was all a THING that occured.

seriously. I can't decide which concert I liked best.. the second had liam beatboxing during little things but idk the first was pretty amazing IT WAS ALL JUST SO GOOD AND CAN I PLEASE BE A BAND AID AND FOLLOW THEM EVERYWHERE ALREADY??

standouts - Best Song Ever is possibly THE best song they perform live. It is instant happy in your ears. Zayn slays every single note and then some especially with Last First Kiss and then Liam does the same during Summer Love. I will NEVER tire of harry and Niall doing their boyband moves that they perfected during the end of UAN tour to More Than This. Harold wows the crowds and has such stage presence. Louis' crinkle eyed smile GIVES ME LIFE. Niall's voice is so much deeper and Liam sounds like a chipmunk. and I love 5sos. Love.

oh and if i could write poetry i would write odes and books to Dan and his guitar playing. W O W.

so how was your weekend ;)


-all the feelings-, {what is air?}, ::discuss::, -its a dancing carrot partay-, @harry lookathissweetface styles, @louis sassmaster tomlinson, pic spam: puppylove, @liam perfect payne, +c'mon c'mon+, @niall irishcupcake horan, ^tour post^, ^we're coming to seeeeee you^, !boo and sim homework, /one direction, [i am all cried out], -sleep? we need no sleep-, =sim is the louis to my liam, @zayn stopitwithyoureyes malik, tour=tmh

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