WORDS or the one where i get given the rest of the week off from work because of the flu

Sep 05, 2013 08:05

The weird part about this viral flu THING i have (the doctor said so yesterday) is i'm not entirely feeling sick? Like - my head is a bit stuffy and so is my nose but apart from that and feeling a bit sluggish - i'm not all that ill?

I've been reading till my eyes hurt and listening to the entire discography of a sides and b sides and specials that Ed Sheeran has released be it on ep or youtube things people have ripped and

I think i'm going to challenge myself to writing. something. anything. (and adding to two wips that I actually have signed up to Big Bang to finish)(HAHAHAH GOAL SETTING HAHAHAHA)

apart from that i'm watching the rest of West Wing S1 and then probably - if Nat is around - continuing our epic watch of HP across the seas. WOO HOO

ALSO when the hell does TIU come out in Aus? I'm ILL i could go languish in a cinema for an hour and a half during the DAY without TWEENS and swoon over one direction. THIS COULD BE A THING I COULD DO

in other news: Cadbury chocolate covered chocolate freddo biscuits are the BOMB

!please dont hurt me flist, /ed sheeran, -being sick gets a tag-, movies: harry potter, !flist, tv = west wing

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