Jul 30, 2013 23:01

I totally started this as the WIP that it was but i thnk when AO3 had that issue with notifications it got lost :( :( BUT recently becoming mutual mates with the author on twitter has benefits and so sitting at home with nothing but cringe worthy efforts on aus's new X factor was all the better because LONG! AWESOME! LILO FIC!!


NC17 | high school angst, coming out with a magazine as your prop of choice, angst about figuring out who you really are, the best of jay ever, Niall has a great cock ok?, nick is darling, zayn and perrie are perfect and the BADGES, Liam's family - bacon sarnies and feeding the fish, Harry just being amazing and well. . . Louis will turn you inside out and Liam will break your heart but you will love em both soo sooooo much | 85 glorious k| Louis/Liam, nick/Harry, Niall!making!a!fool!of!himself/Cher (past Liam/Danielle)
summary:. Sometimes the hardest part of growing up is figuring out who you are in the first place.

Or: The one where Liam and Louis only kiss when they're on nights out, when it's secret, when there's no one around to see them. If no one knows you're having a sexuality crisis, that means it isn't happening, right?

Or, or: Liam accidentally turns Louis' world upside down.

A high school sixth form AU.

read it because of: ... I don't think i can pick one part of Liam or Louis because i loved it soo much so I'm going with Niall because i laughed a LOT

"Fuck," Niall said. "How long have you been keeping this secret? Did you know when you were going out with her? Do you have a boyfriend? Who else knows?"

Liam contemplated putting his face in his hands, but he was hampered by his chips. "Um, not long, I didn't know then, but I know now, there isn't anyone, and Harry knows, my mum and dad know, Nicola and Ruth know, Danielle knows, and Zayn sort of, kind of knows." He deliberately didn't say Louis.

"Wow," Niall said again.

"You are, like, all right with this, right?"

Niall rolled his eyes. "What kind of dickhead do you take me for? Of course I'm okay with it, idiot." He shifted back a bit. "You don't fancy me, do you? Because I think you're great and everything, but I can't really imagine sucking a dick. It's not your dick in particular or anything."

Liam could imagine sucking a dick, but that was beside the point. "Don't fancy you in the slightest. Sorry."

"I don't know whether to be pissed off you don't fancy me, or pleased it's not me you're in love with."

"I'm not in love."

"Bollocks," Niall pointed his fork at Liam. "I bet you've got your eye on someone."

"Never," Liam lied. He bumped his elbow into Niall's. "You're a good person to come out to."

"Sure I am." Niall beamed. "I'm fucking awesome, I am."

Liam laughed at that, and jumped off the wall. He still had chips to eat. "Come on, let's go back to yours."

"Still not shagging you," Niall said, jumping down after him. They could cut across the all-weather pitch and climb over the wall by the bus stop, short cut to Niall's.

"Your dick does nothing for me," Liam said, making his best sad face. "Sorry, and everything."

"My dick's great," Niall grabbed his crotch. "Fucking great."

"Eat your chips,Niall."

Crossposted on 1dhotrecs

-death by awesome-, fandom: 1d, {my heart it has all the feels}, (just read it), -all the things!-, pairing: (1d) liam/louis, otp: idiot boyfriends in love, -come and squee with me-, (quick fic rec)

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