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enomis57 July 29 2013, 08:37:32 UTC
Really hope they do sing it at our show. We are going to have to learn the dance so we can join in.


badjujuboo July 29 2013, 08:47:11 UTC
what dance? LOL They're all the old dances we already know LOL

what the hell is louis doing to his bum?


enomis57 July 29 2013, 08:53:19 UTC
But I have no idea what order it all goes in. Plus they've add that little shimmy thing at the end with the "hole in your heart like a polo" move to finish it off.

I believe he is photo copying it. Is it wrong that I really wouldn't mind seeing that photo copies bum?


badjujuboo July 29 2013, 09:18:35 UTC
bahah has the bts of bse come out already?? Or am i missing an important interveiw??

also i am completely okay with this tour being the nouis show. COMPLETELY


enomis57 July 29 2013, 09:20:06 UTC
I Tweeted you and JD a link to it. They had a thing on Brit TV today.

Ben Winston has some lovely direction and Zayn complains about being unable to walk like a lady. I need a YouTube version!!!


badjujuboo July 29 2013, 09:29:18 UTC
that must have been one of your lost tweets.. i didn't get that only something about you saying Ben's direction was good WEIRD


enomis57 July 29 2013, 09:34:46 UTC
Stupid Twitter - it doesn't like me today!

Hopefully this link will work.

Nope, that didn't work - go here!


badjujuboo July 29 2013, 11:02:21 UTC
I made mum watch it! I love them soooo much!!!


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