Jul 26, 2013 11:29

Alex writes the very best of things, they're always filled with these amazing images from words spliced together in ways that they roll right from your head into your heart and squirm into your vey being. I love all his fics but this one may go down as an ultimate read.

THE NIGHT STARTS HERE by Blackwayfarers

NC17 | canon!tour!fic, wedding crashers, so many hidden feels, the best of Louis and his plans, poetic phrasing that hits you low in the gut and will have you smouldering from a slow burn to the brightest and hottest of feelings, double penetration and a lil come play with some recreational weed smoking and booze thrown in. Also a thunderstorm you'll feel like you ran through | 16k
The high of another couple of glasses of cheap champagne glow in Liam's cheeks as he slowly loses himself in the music, up next to Louis and giving it his best, jumping up and down with one hand in the air. He keeps finding Zayn in the in-between moments, giving him these wide open grins like he just really, desperately wants to share this feeling with someone else. All at once Zayn wants to feel it too, wants to bite that feeling from Liam's lips, taste the blood of his grin and share it with Louis, remembering tonight as the bruise of fingers around wrists and mouths on skin.
read it because i told you to:

"You want me to fuck you?" Zayn asks quietly. "You want to feel me tomorrow?"

"Yeah," Liam says.

"Ask me to do it," Zayn says.

Liam looks lost, almost scared of the intensity of his own need. "Zayn."

"Ask me to fuck you," Zayn says. He can see Louis raise an eyebrow, though he doesn't interrupt. "It's all right, Liam. Just let me take care of you, dude. Ask me to do it."

"I -" Liam struggles with that frustration again, all those pent up years of struggling with trying to be what people expect him to be, this man, this strong man who boxes and tries to be what people expect of him, who doesn't let himself get taken care of because he's been told that's not what boys should ever want.

"I love you, dude," Zayn says, running his thumb over Liam's cheek, the sharp rasp of a day's worth of stubble.

"I love you," Louis says, a little breathless, his calming hand on Liam's stomach, keeping him down on the bed, making sure he's stuck in this love.

Cross posted at 1dhotrecs

fandom: one direction, -death by awesome-, =blackwayfarers is aces that is all, {dp should be canon}, {accidental orgy}, (just read it), pairing: (1d) liam/zayn/louis, otp: louis the instigator, (quick fic rec)

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