ALL THE AVENGERS FIC or the one where i realise i have no page for the things i've read and loved

Jul 21, 2013 13:42

because it had to happen, and I was actually surprised to see I didn't have one of these pages for THE GREAT ALL THE FANDOMS FIC REC LIST so. now it does :D

*i am missing a HEAP that i thought i'd bookmarked in AO3 but.. alas they aren't THERE including a heap of Uni!au and coffee shop fic that i KNOW leashy_bebes (who honestly makes me read everything ever and has list of things avenger style here) had me read when i was first getting into this fandom... i think phoenixacid might have links so I AM OFF TO FIND THEM AND UPDATE THIS IMMEDIATELY!

Subject to Change by eleadore

T | canon, steve draws everyone but tony and tony has ISSUE with that and its pining at its finest | 3.2k | steve/tony

10, 9, 8, car by polyrepeat
T | Groundhog Day!sortofAU that every fandom ever needs, touch of angst, phil's sweater being meaningful and you'll never get Rebecca Black out of your head, established relationship | 9.4k | clint/phil (tony/steve) [July 2013]

99 Problems and the dice ain't one by kellifer_fic
R | gamer!au, everyone lives together, clint calls phil babe and phil makes clinical statements about their coitus, tony is an idiot, steve is oblivious, bruce is a sweetheart, oh and THE STEVE BOX | 10k | tony/steve (phil/clint) [Nov 2012]

The Twice Told Tale by arysteia
NC17 | pining, hurt/comfortySMEX, feelings, avenger pupply pals, tolkeinisms | 15k | tony/steve [Oct 2012]

fandom: avengers, pairing: (av) clint/phil, p, pairing: (av) tony/steve, via ljapp

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