A LOONG WEEKEND - or the one with ALL THE FIC RECS and stuff

Jun 11, 2013 20:28

first - because I left my beloved iPad at work for the long weekend (I WAS BEREFT I TELL YOU!) I missed out on making my

COUNTDOWN TILL DOOM aka SEEING 5 IDIOTS with 1 not so idiot FRIEND - 19 WEEKS (minus one day)

Can we also take a minute to appreciate the Americas leg of the tour has started and within .. what a few days they've nearly KILLED Us all with LIAM JAMES PAYNE in fucking tank tops - and WHY is that so much hotter than him just naked? I mean.. not COMPLETELY hotter but.. enough.

and not to be outdone - the elusive Zayn Malik was wearing THIS which caused a TINY bit of a meltdown

and can we just pause for the wonder of serenading each other that was Harry and Liam at the .. 3:20 mark in Mexico with Last First Kiss?

image Click to view

yep. that happened. There's also been Harry with COUNTLLESS Vine vids and Harry with his updates of old men in Instagram and just Harold looking particularly gorgeous in his never ending hat supply

and I can't mention three without the other two - because that's just RUDE so

Tommo and Niallator were also in top form

I still maintain this tour has become the Nouis show.

AND FICS! SO MANY FICS I READ THAT I ACTUALLY GAVE MY THUMB A BIT OF RSI and had to take yesterday off and just watched the rest of the first season of BOARDWALK EMPIRE (which i LOVED and will be buying the rest) and a rewatch of THE SOPRANOS which I'll be catching up on this week seeing as GAME OF THRONES ended (and a quick note of how completely BLAND i felt that ending was? They should have swapped a few scenes around and ended it all with the Red Wedding. Talk about anti climax)

so fics.. lots of good GREAT things that I'll split into pairings/authors

SCOTTMCNICEASS - I generally LOVE everything by Caroline. LOVE. There's a few things/pet fandom peeves that can take you out of the story - but the story TELLING is that good I can get past it (yes.. I am generally THAT picky when it comes to fic) but these few were FANTASTIC!

EVERY LITTLE SECRET on AO3: NC17 | Zayn/Liam | 51k
summary: It’s always Liam, isn’t it? Since he met the damn guy, he’s crawled under Zayn’s skin like he was made to fit there and the only way to get him out would cause Zayn serious harm.

(Or the one where all the boys are in boarding school except Liam, Zayn sort of hates the world, and he wants nothing more than to save Liam from it.)

WHAT WE BECOME on AO3: NC17 | Zayn/Liam | 78k
summary: “Nervous?”


“It’s okay if you are,” Harry says seriously. “I mean, I know I would be. Like, if there was ever a date that was destined to go bad, it’s probably this one. Werewolf goes on date with the son of a werewolf hunter, who’s also training to be a werewolf hunter when he’s older, while another pack of werewolves are practically massacring the town, and no one has no idea how to stop them. It's not a question of what could go wrong. It's a question of what could possibly go right, and I'm willing to bet the answer to that is nothing."

ONLY PLACE I CALL HOME on AO3: NC17 | Zayn/Liam | 17k
summary: Liam works at a coffee shop; Zayn is a homeless street performer who plays just outside the shop. Sometimes Liam brings Zayn coffee and donuts and in exchange Zayn sings for him.

HOSTAGESFIC - S & P are possibly the ONLY authors in this fandom that i'll give ANY pairing they write a read over, not all the time do I jump on board but they NEVER fail to deliver. Never.

summary: Harry will be away, and Nick won’t see him for months. Nick tells himself he’s just getting used to that ahead of time.

LAID BACK on AO3: NC17 | Zayn/Perrie | 3.6k
summary: The bandage on his shin means Zayn can't get on his knees like he wants, but it's almost as good when Perrie shoves him onto the mattress.

MYOWNREMEDY i literally burned through ALL THE THINGS this weekend. but...
THIS ONE! THIS ONE! If you don't read anything else, let it be the THE SOCIAL NETWORK AU OF ABSOLUTE AWESOME
MAYBE I SHOULD LET YOU GO by myownremedy on AO3: R | liam/louis, niall/zayn | 7k
summary: Louis Tomlinson is a sweet faced nine teen year old whose boyish charm, blue eyes and side swept hair masks a dangerous anger: anger at his father, anger at the world, and anger at himself.
Liam Payne is famous for being an all around nice guy, though ever since his break up with a girl named Dani he’s gotten a little tougher, has shaved his head and gotten a tattoo. No one on campus is complaining, but Liam is aware his parents aren’t too pleased.
Niall Horan is an Irish exchange student that can see past Louis’s bullshit but doesn’t resent him for it. He’s known as the funny man on campus, but his humor is a front for a quiet but growing insecurity.
Zayn Malik could be a model but isn’t: instead he’s going into political science and economics. He’s the soulful one of the group, all slow smiles and dark eyes, but he’s always there to get them out of trouble.
Harry Styles: Washed up Popstar or someone who’s taking a break? He flies suddenly into the picture when Niall mentions, almost off hand, that he can get Louis a meeting with Harry Styles, the slow talking, curly haired, baby faced rockstar who went down in a flaming wreck of heroin, sex, and copyright infringement.

or The Social Network AU.

LOVE BEFALLEN on AO3: R | Louis/Niall | 5k
summary: when the lads get a hiatus, louis decides to go somewhere quiet to figure out his feelings.

HERE I LOVE YOU on AO3: R | Niall/Zayn | 4k
summary: Louis reckons Niall should just tell Zayn, reminds him that they live together in the tiniest, most overpriced apartment in all of New York and the walls are thin enough that Niall knows what Zayn sounds like when he’s getting off, and they never cook because their kitchen is so tiny, it’s basically a flat with two closets serving as bedrooms and an even smaller bathroom, and they are married, according to Louis, so Niall might as well make it official.

Niall and Zayn (and the rest of the gang) are students at NYU, and Niall and Zayn live together in an overpriced shoebox apartment in the Village. Also, Niall's been in love with Zayn since freshmen year.

summary: Liam gets the call as she’s leaving the salon.
“Li,” Zayn says on the other end, voice scratchy from smoking. “You want to be a physical education teacher, right? Ever considered being a football coach?”
“Zee,” she says patiently into the phone, “what are you -”
“Our coach quit, we’ve a game in three days and I need you,” he says, fast and apologetic, and Liam sighs and fishes in her purse for her car keys.
“Alright. Be there in ten.”

The one where the lads are on a football team and Liam gets roped into being their coach. Also she falls in love with Louis.

(BEGINING AT THE SINGULAR BEGINNING OF YOUR SMILE) ugh the unrequited love, the falling in when you really don't want to.. just. amazing. on AO3: NC17 | louis/nick g | 16k
summary: Harry has a thing for Nick. Nick has a thing for someone else. That person is Harry's best friend.

Louis' life gets a little complicated. He blames science.

I FEEL SO USELESS. DO YOU?L series on AO3: NC17 | louis/nick g | 2pts
summary: Nick is married. His husband's name is not Louis.

Louis gives a blowjob to an ice lolly, then to Nick. Then some sex.

BLACK AND BLUE which I've possibly rec'd before? meh. on AO3: NC17 | harry/louis | 19k
summary: Louis is a barista who is a bit damaged from a previous relationship. Harry is a musician who is all warmth and light. Rebuilding a life takes time.

PERMANENT this OOONE. I still think of lines from this. On AO3: R | louis/nick g | 1.4k
summary: Louis starts getting tattoos and some of them represent his relationship with Nick, but they don’t actually talk about it.

ALL THAT I AM IS YOURS On AO3: G | Nick G/Louis | 1.7k
summary: Louis and Nick have a morning routine and then there's a ring, which. Yeah, not part of the routine.


now this one comes with a warning. It was an ABSOLUTELY beautiful and different read. Heed the tags. Read the warnings as it is quite an emotional fic but one I can thoroughly rec if you're into a twisty turny thing and not a light read.
THIS WOULD BE IT by Marquis on AO3: M | liam/louis | 11k
summary: Liam works in a cemetery and Louis is everything he wants, everything he once had, and everything he never dreamed of.
(Saying anything else might ruin it.)

HEART IT RACES by wearecities on AO3: NC17 | liam/louis/ 5k
summary: He can feel that relentlessness building in his chest. The same one that drove him to grab a pair of hair clippers at 3 in the morning, the same one that had him sitting in a tattoo parlor getting his four favourite people etched into his skin. He wants to do something reckless, something that he’s always wanted to do but has never had the guts to.

SOMEONE TO BE AFRAID OF LOSING ME by Becka on AO3: NC17 | louis/niall | 5k
summary: It's like this sometimes, when the lads are all out and about with each other or their girlfriends, and Niall's, well, sat in the hotel making blanket dens by himself. It makes him wonder whether they're better friends with each other than they are with him.

THESE ROADS WE STUMBLE by onewasturning STILL thinking about this one days later. I'll never think about car sex the same... on AO3: NC17 | harry/Louis | 18k
summary: He’s completely drenched, not one millimetre of him not covered in rain, and the old sheepskin cover over the seat is probably going to stink afterwards from the damp. But even with what seems to be a constant tremor shaking his body, brown hair plastered to his forehead, and a blue tinge to his skin, he’s still probably the most gorgeous person that Harry has ever seen.

Or, Harry picks up a hitchhiker in Oxford, and it's a long ride to Glasgow.

CALL HIM APOLLO by inkedlips such prose in this. adored it on AO3: R | harry/Louis | 9k
summary: There are times with Louis, Harry thinks, when he can't seem to catch up.

Louis will run outside in his garden, shorts and a thin shirt catching against the wind. He will slip off his shoes, let the cool green grass wrap around his bare feet and he will laughlaughlaugh until Harry thinks the Gods in Mount Olympus can hear him.

TEA FOR TWO AND TWO FOR TEA by tomlinsuhn on AO3 | R | harry/louis (brief Harry/Nick) | 26k
summary: Louis turns five centimeters tall one day at work. Harry accidentally takes him home.

SWEETER THAN STRINGS by polkadotpeacoat this is a part one, but can be read as a standalone because the author is considering writing a part two and HONEST TO GOD IF SHE DOESNT I MAY HAVE TO FIND HER AND FORCE IT TO HAPPEN. read it. Now. On AO3: NC17 | Louis/harry | 11k
Summary: Harry's looking for a reason to stay. They meet at a party.

and can we take another moment, just a few. for the EPICNESS THAT WAS DON'T LOOK DOWN BY THE PHENOMENAL ZARAH5 that completed ... last weekish? I followed that fic from the utter beginings (already in love with Zarah5's writing.. hello the popstar!au that just WRECKED ME FALL INTO YOUR GRAVITY) and ugh this just KILLED ME WITH PERFECTION! absolutely ADORED IT! go read if you haven't
R | harry/louis | 91k (yeaaaah long fic!)
summary: AU. In which Louis is a solicitor at one of London’s most prestigious law firms and Harry happens to apply for the position as his trainee. And everyone else is around, too.

also THIS WIP OF FABULOUSNESS is just.. I also reread.. twice.. JUST US (which if you haven't read you NEED TO and the time stamps that follow) but the same author has this amazing superhero!au that is in WIP right now - updates weekly and is just. I CAN NOT rec it highly enough. GO AND CATCH UP ALREADY!
THE FATE YOU'VE CARVED ON ME on AO3: R | zayn/niall (zayn/liam, louis/harry, jade/perrie) | 9ch/?
summary: On the first day of freshman year at uni, Niall nearly gets hit by a bus.

It’s pretty typical, really. He tends to start things out at shittily as possible and then get better from there. His mum says it’s the key to his optimism-he always starts at the very bottom so that he knows he’s on his way up.


.... SO... anything else I should be reading??

also.. just leaving this here, because Sim sent it to me. HAPPY TUESDAY INDEED!

fandom: 1d, pairing: (1d) zayn/niall, pairing: (1d) niall/louis, (dump it), pic spam: puppylove, %countdown%, pairing: (1d) harry/louis, pairing: (1d) zayn/perrie, pairing: (1d) liam/louis, ^tour post^, (quick fic rec)

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