Jan 02, 2013 18:25

Stole these meme madness from leashy_bebes because SHE ALWAYS FINDS THE FUN THINGS:
Your main fandom of the year?
HAHAHHAH unquestionably the five idiots of choice One Direction straight to hell

Your favorite film watched this year?
ooh that's tough? I mean Les Mis lately but ALL year? I feel like I've watched NOTHING. Maybe Moneyball - I loved that. Pitch Perfect recently was the FUCKING BOMB my sister and I watched it back to back because we couldn't STOP LAUGHING. And The Dark Knight was HUGE for me (and the hobbit but thats a given)

Your favorite book read this year?
HAHAH BOOK? WHAT IS THIS OF WHICH YOU SPEAK? probably trying to finish George R Martin's latest in the ASoIAF series and failing. BUT I WILL BECAUSE I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS TO SAM AND ARYA AND GENDRY AND DANY AND EVEN SANSA. though sitting beside my couch in the vain hopes i will read it is WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE the adult version - it will happen. maybe. christmas this year?

Your favorite album or song to listen to this year?
TAKE ME HOME IS THE AIR I BREATHE AND C'MON C'MON, ROCK ME, I WOULD, LAST KISS ARE ALL THE BESTEST - BUT BASICALLY THE FULL ALBUM ESPECIALLY IRRESISTIBLE AS AN EXTRA I would have to say Fun. has been played A LOT, same for Mumford and Sons Babel, Ed Sheeran is on constant loop and a bit of Boy and Bear too.

Your favorite TV show of the year?
another tough one. I lived for Sons of Anarchy, Skins (did that finish last year? I can't remember. GRACE AND RICH FOREVER THOUGH), Awkward, Doctor Who and probably True Blood.

Your favorite LJ community of the year?
hahah I don't belong to any really apart from oned_fanworks that really is just to nab fic recs from?

Your best new fandom discovery of the year?
New discovery? Um GREAT NEW FRIENDS in shrdmdnssftw and thediamondskies who I annoy ENDLESSLY in email and chat. its a thing. My sausage for the first half of the year was as enamored as I in 1D but now she's just as crazy with Teen Wolf - she gives me ALL the good recs! Probably a whole world of over 18's that love boybands and stupid things they get up to and mostly because of the music but then again because of HOW DAMN PRETTY THEY ALL ARE. There's the girls in our ENDLESS EMAIL OF AWESOME that has the subject line: Nick outing himself with Harry AGAIN that now has about 2800 email thread THINGS in it (thanks gmail!) it's the best and worst thing ever but we keep up to date on shenanigans and with each other and that's THE GREATEST! Then there's my twitter/lj family and so many of you that chat randomly and so many that I can't go a few hours without touching base with. IT's all pretty much mathab and robpat fault that I fell into this fandom anyway (and Mathie's fault i love Aiden Grimshaw and am a lil obsessed with Lil Mix and Perrie)

For other fandoms: definitely Avengers fic and that's ALL leashy_bebes fault (that and south park fic which i still have to finish reading). that and bookjunkie1975 for her fantastic fic recs and same for einfach_mich for those too. AND OMG EDIT EDIT! HOW DID I FORGET phoenixacid FOR FIC RECS IN EVERY SINGLE FANDOM BECAUSE SHE HAS THE ABSOLUTE GREATEST TASTE AND I KNOW I'M GOING TO READ GOOD THINGS IF I GO INTO HER REC TAGS AND I MAKE PEOPLE GO THERE ALL THE TIME! I AM SORRY HUGHY YOU KNOW I LOVE YOU!!

Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year?
Disapointment? I think probably how out of love i became with Merlin. I've barely read any fics since March from there :(

Your TV boyfriend of the year?
Ooh TOUGH. um. Matty from Awkward

I puffy heart him so!

Your TV girlfriend of the year?
i don't.. i don't think i have one? Can i just pretend I remembered to watch Mad Men this year and say again that I WOULD ACTUALLY FAINT IF THIS WOMAN WAS IN FRONT OF ME BECAUSE = PERFECTION?

Your biggest squee moment of the year?

The most missed of your old fandoms?
Probably HP. I miss how in love I was with Drarry and Dramione fic. Moreso Dramione because it was SUCH a good place for words and i MISS reading every little thing everythursday ever wrote for the first time.

The fandom you haven't tried yet, but want to?
I really can't say that I have any interest in writing for anything else. i might eventually want to read some of that Killi Filli porn going around because HOW HOT WERE THEY?

Your biggest fan anticipations for the New Year?


JANUARY: i cannot contain my excite or the one with s6 of skins trailer
FEBRUARY: fic rec - #sherlock - we go anywhere but the ground
MARCH: fest pimp - gwainequest leap day fest
APRIL: quick fic rec - #skins that's friendship (tony/maxxie nc17)
MAY: 100 things numero nueve - boy band edition
JUNE: recap - being human s4e8
JULY: dear jd and enomis57
AUGUST: never leave me again!
SEPTEMBER: jumping aboard the good ship #himshaw or gryles or hack or nirry? nick and harry basically
OCTOBER: cupid got me in a chokehold (t liam/harry)
NOVEMBER: prayer circle for georgie mcfadyn the third
DECEMBER: george and nina forever or yeah i got my tattoo yesterday!

I think I should also sadly sort of? point out that the month i posted the MOST was APRIL [61 o m f g] (sorry not sorry) and LEAST was JANUARY[30]. Altogether a year of 562 posts about CRAP really. still.. sorry not sorry MUAHAHAH

I wrote 170 409k of boyband fic this year. wow. (pretty sure I didn't write much else. possibly some Merlin? I can't remember).

and I failed at 100 Things by only getting to 62 before the year was out. Still, I'm going to forge ahead and see if i can get the rest done in the next few months? Which - obviously due to my insane posting amount IT WILL BE DONE. watching you all defriend now. soz

and this gif is dedicated to thediamondskies cuz of narry reasons

meme madness, =zee gets a tag for reasons, =mathab is a dirty porn enabler, =robpat pimps me slashy things, =shrdmdnssftw wins all the awards, =leashy owns my gwaine heart

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