Dec 22, 2012 14:00

so i nabbed this from possibly otta-ff tweeting it at tuesdaymidnight and well, M has the BEST recs and H reads what I read and love so..

cue me reading and the house staying dirty MUJAHAHAH

OUR MEMORIES ARE NUMBERED by rufflefeather nd AMAZING, STUNNING, GORGEOUS art by alby_mangroves

NC17 | amnesia!fic, rimming, ust, angst, heart flails, canon!violence, dubious consent(due to amnesia reasons), kidnapping | 23k | stiles/derek (past scott/allison)
summary: Stiles’ Jeep grinds to a halt, he sees someone running through the rain, he's not expecting it to be Derek. He's not expecting a Derek without any memories either, or an Alpha pack that's coming for all of them. He probably should've, because lately nothing goes the way he expects.
read it because of:

“What are you thinking?” Derek asks and Stiles snorts at him. “What?”

“Nothing, it’s just, those are words I never thought I’d hear coming out of your mouth?”

“No?” Derek pushes up a bit, leans over and traces the shape of Stiles’ top lip and it tickles. “It’s clear every other thought stumbles out of your mouth whether you want it to or not, so it’s the ones in between I’m interested in. Come on, be honest. What are you thinking?”

“That,” Stiles swallows dryly, “that I like this, that I liked it very much. That I’ll be sad when it’s gone. And that’s probably the most selfish thing I’ve ever said.”

“It doesn’t have to be gone,” Derek murmurs, rubbing his stubble over Stiles’ cheek as he shifts and levers his weight on top of Stiles, pressing him face first into the bed so Stiles’ breath leaves his lungs with a huff. His cock sits heavy and pulsing between Stiles’ ass cheeks and Stiles goes hot all over. “Are you going to--”

“No,” Derek says quietly and, if Stiles isn’t imagining things, regretfully. “I wouldn’t take that from the real me. The one who’ll remember.”

pairing: (tw) derek/stiles, fandom: teen wolf, =otta was sent to make me flail, =tuesday ships all the things, (quick fic rec)

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