100 Things #60 - Wish I May Wish I Might or THE XMAS TUNE

Dec 21, 2012 21:06

seriously, can't help sing a long to this. LOVE. IT. HARD

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in other unrelated news:

I procrastinated to levels of updating my LJ profile and LJ Layout tonight. Yup.

and I'm supposed to be writing. MAKE ME MAKE ME MAKE MEEEEEEEEEE

Louis doesn’t even have a spare second to feel embarrassed or whatever at Liam finding him like this. He can’t even process the fact that Liam’s voice is actually in the bathroom which means Louis has been in here so long that Liam came looking for him with the spare key.

100 100 thingy things, fandom: one direction, (words where are the words), **things i shouldnt be doing**, (i wrote this), ~christmas gets its own tag~, **write damn you**, **yes im that bored im posting shit**, !please dont hurt me flist, 88margaritas88, /neon trees

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