QUick Fic Rec - #TeenWolf x TWO

Nov 27, 2012 15:09

i couldn't sleep last night and i figured reading might help? It didn't. i finished both of these and STILL lay there for another hour on tumblr. ho hum. BUT


NC17 | Zombie!au, overprotective!derek, didn't-realise-he's-there-leader!stiles, zombie fun, feelings, past character death (it IS a zombie!au) | 28k | stiles/derek
summary: Zombies. Stiles always knew the world would end this way.
read it because of: every fandom needs a good zombie!au and this was fantastic. I didn't want it to finish tbh.

“You get lost?” A voice rang out from inside the tent.

“Yes, Derek, I got lost in our own camp.” Derek’s head popped out of the tent, his eyebrow rising at Stiles’ tone. Stiles took the bottle of water out of his pocket and shoved it towards Derek. “Here.” Derek took it without so much as a thank you, which Stiles was used to, and drank it all in one gulp. “Your shift is about to start.”

“I know,” Derek whispered as he got out of the tent, tossing the bottle into the tent so that they could clean and refill it at some point. He was only half dressed as he stood, his shirt and jacket in his hands as he stretched. Stiles scoffed, dropping the bat to the ground and putting his hands in his pockets. His fingers were numb. “You okay?” He asked. Stiles shrugged.

“Peachy keen. You know what Mad Eye always said: ‘Constant Vigilance!’ fucker was right of course. Even though it was also Barty Crouch Jr, but I mean-”

“Stiles,” was all that Derek said. Stiles shut his mouth, nodding his head as he looked around.

“Go kill me a zombie, Der,” Stiles said, smiling. Derek shook his head, laughing.



T | AU, weres using to learn words, bumbling!adorkable!stiles, HUGS THAT MEAN MORE, laura being awesome, feelings, pining, rom!com, excessive use of emoticons in fic | 17.3k | derek/stiles (scott/alison)
summary: An AU in which Stiles is lonely and addicted to the Missed Connections page on Craigslist, Derek is a hermit with a persistant sister, Scott gives unexpectedly good relationship advice, and it all ends happily-ever-after.
read it because of: it's utterly adorable. i just wanna SMOOSH stiles' face!

Stiles stops walking and looks at Derek again. That same, bright, intense gaze settles on his face in that same unnerving way. "You don't want to talk about it."

Derek feels his lips twitch, ever so slightly, into the tiniest of smiles. "Not today."

Stiles grins, and just like that, the lighthearted atmosphere returns. "Ok," he says. "Maybe next time."

"Next time?"

The smile widens. "Next time." Stiles says. "Admit it. You had a good time. You laughed...like... one and a half times, and you did your smile-grimace thing 6 times...." *pause* "Sourwolf."

The eyes are mischievous. Derek stops. "Are you teasing me?"

"Of course not! Though... I'm surprised you got chocolate. I thought dogs couldn't eat chocolate." Stiles's smile is so wide his nose is starting to crinkle with it and he looks at Derek, his body tensed and poised for flight.

"You little...."

Stiles laughs and bolts.

got any more good AU!fics for me?

pairing: (tw) derek/stiles, fandom: teen wolf, (halp meee), -and everything is coming up puppies-, (quick fic rec)

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