Pushing the DOUCHECANOE out to sea OR Liam is turning into Andy

Oct 29, 2012 16:28

and it physically hurts me.

His new tat's are quite lovely and lyrical - great fonts and good placement but.. idk idk he's single and being all FUN and shit (like does he OWN SHARES IN FUNKY BUDDAH??) but..

well. let's just see shall we?

slightly innocent? Just.. not what I came to expect from Jesus Payne tbh

I also randomly blame Tom Daley and his orange face.

because really? He seems like being really friendly with KING O' DA DOUCHES Andy, going on hols together and stuff

and maybe Tom is just a Douche category of his own...

ugh let's just end with some puppy leeyum feels shall we?

pic spam: liam payne feels, @liam perfect payne, [2 a bit of a], [1 liam's], [3 douchecanoe tbh]

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