so Heidi and I have decided that CHIA PET can look sexy after all...

Oct 14, 2012 11:49

pretty much a picspam tbh

why he's covering his NON EXISTENT HAIR with his passport is beyond me..

yes ignore the pretty (if you can) of zayn and niall and TAKE IN CHIA PET

or the day paris was VERY GOOD TO THE CHIA PET

though this is slightly depressing. ugh. I CANT WAIT FOR HIM TO SMILE PROPERLY AGAIN

also known as liam LITERALLY walking down memory lane

and this is just sex really

i think it was the shiny shirt

seriously. thank you paris/ireland idec YOU ALL ARE THANKED

and a few more because

(and this just snuck in. idk how)

[3 though], **this is a phwoaar thats hot post**, [2 chia pet hair], pic spam: liam payne feels, -dying to be quite honest-, [payne is killing me], @liam perfect payne, [1 liam's], {its all liams fault}, [your welcome], =tuesday ships all the things, [fandom motto]

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