CHIA PET - or things that happened while i was mostly offline for a week

Oct 10, 2012 20:53

Basically - i lived on twitter. Then my phone DIED no more working AT ALL on friday and i wrote twincest fic that wordgasmicmay have put into my head MONTHS ago but i sort of wrote 7k and then i finished lilo ficc and thought.. hey i only have BIG BANG to do, fuck it. write kinky bad porn and in the meantime...

So we had the 1D take over BBCR1 which i HIGHLY enjoyed to the point of near DIED on twitter - mostly because of

and i hated Gemma for making it SO awkward about his GF sitch and his head shaving and THIS SHOULD BE LIAM'S MOTTO

then the real crazy began with LADZFM

seriously, harold has a career in radio or presenting if this all goes pear shaped.
then zayn turned up and it was lovely but, a little awk

(it is SO a word) and he sang and he faffed about with his guitar and THEN HE SANG HERO AND HE DID THE WHISPERY BIT AND I LOST MY SHIT COMPLETELY 

and then ZAYN CALLED AND NIALL READ OUT HIS TEXT AND THEY SANG #SWIFTY (copyrightjunkshop_discoproductions) and i died a little more...
and louis.. oh louis

it hurt my heart with how Louis was just NOT THERE for any form of singing. :( YOU HAVE A GORGEOUS VOICE LOUIS! USE IT!
(there is also video that i SWEAR WILL KILL YOU WITH FEELS)
in the end i was mostly this

and then this ...

thank god i was at work for the TCA tbh...

so yeah, there was that.

I finally FINALLY finished the epilogue THING to LILO FIC aka KISS ME SLOWLY which I'll be HOPEFULLY sending off to the beta fish once the Shrew approves a few last minute additions that I totally forgot I needed to wind up .... why i have prereaders tbh

and i wrote a SHIT tonne of Lirry things ( Glitter in the Dark, I Can't Hide This , Cupid Got Me In A Chokehold) and yeah... there's this thing that should be done and up next week sometime that involves louis/liam/harry and liam and harry as twins and yeah.. idek WHAT i'm doing there but it all started out fromwordgasmicso blame her.

[spoilery twincest!fic/threesome is ... nsfw and spoilery]“Wanna fuck you,” the other boy whispers into his ear after nipping at Louis’ chin, and it’s almost as if he can read Louis mind - or maybe he fucked up again and spoke aloud. He’s fairly certain he didn’t - couldn’t because Caterpillar Brows was using his tongue to search out the hidden depths of Louis’ mouth at the time. His breath is cool on Louis’ overheated skin and he gasps as the hand that’s been playing this irritating game off soft touches slips between them, cupping over the obvious bulge that is Louis’ dick at half-mast. Then that gravelly, deep voice is at his ear again. “Wanna make you come, wanna see you come for me. Just for me,”

OH! and plotted a bit of two different possible BIG BANG fics - one lilo and one empire records!au... we'll see what actually gets done because I STILL REALLY REALLY REALLY want to write the lilo mpreg fic and there's a zarry!roadtrip and a larry coming out fic and idk.. songs really make me write which leads me to...

seriously.mathabwas always going on about Aiden and she MET HIM and I heard CURTAIN CALL and that was really it for me. DL the EP and game over. HEART EYES FOR MR GRIMSHAW TBH. then my Ang was waxing on about how great MUMFORD's new album was so I caved and I bought and.. love isn't even the right emotion.

anything else I should be listening to?


I finally saw BATTLESHIP and yeah, it may have started out as something purely for


but it had a good plot and a FANTASTIC soundtrack and was funny and full of the type of action Transformers dragged me in for and yeah. BUYING IT ON BLURAY (which really is a sign i love something).

work is great, the wedding was lovely but idk the after has become this weird twisty thing that I'm avoiding aka blocking out tbh.


also for those playing at home: XFACTOR AU - The Collective - still in! Nathaniel - STILL IN AND SO FUCKING HOT OMFG HE DID COLDPLAY'S THE SCIENTIST ON MONDAY AND I CRIED IT WAS HEAVENLY, Angel - still in but not so great this week, Nat Bass needs to pick better songs for her. Mel was catty and I love her more, Guy was bitchy and it was fabulous and Ronan was hot. the end.

^all this twattery^, {i dont know how this happened}, **yes im that bored im posting shit**, [3 is gone], [2 excessively fluffy hair], -breakfast shows at dinner-, !personal bzns, [holy hotness batman], /mumford & son, /one direction, (weekly roundup of all things), =and it's all your fault, /aiden grimshaw, -boyfriends they are all boyfriends-, movies: loved it, [and the tears stream down my face], !flist, [your welcome], [1 liam's]

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