Recap - X Factor AU DECIDER (top 10)

Oct 02, 2012 20:45

So enomis57 is away from the interwebs and tv for the next.. week... two? and she and I usually tweet like mad over Xfactor AU - WHICH I MAY ADD we only began watching just to see the 1D bits and now.. well we're addicted and after seeing a pic of George Shelley and the band Union J he's been thrown into in the UK X Factor - I just may make us watch that too

So this is going to be me pretending to tweet her and basically - a recap of the performances tonight. For the record we love




and our FAV the boyband -


anyhoo. down to business.... OOOOOOOOOMG I MISSED THE PERFORMANCES LAST NIGHT!!! i totally forgot it was back on mondays ... its cool we'll see them sing again and i can tell you who left LOL

LUKE is looking very suave in a navy suit tonight. actually - quite sexy!! (but Sim loves him anyway so she'd say that) Lady Antebellum, the Veronicas and PINK are performing tonight. I hate the Veronicas for no real reason so we won't be hearing about them.

omfg you should SEE what Nat is wearing. it's this hideous green frock that I think is meant to be peacock inspired. it's HORRID. Mel's wearing this bronze thing and .. well she looks fine but Nat is RIDICULOUS.

group performance: The Veronicas who just freak me out - i think it's because they're twins and they seem to always look like they're a bit incestuous in clips? idk. They're in black with glasses on and a machine gun? Singing like a medley of their shitty songs. idk sounds like they're prerecorded actually - the finalists are actually singing though. and also, nate is hot. and omfg Jason and Carmello are in this red light and look ABSOLUTELY EVIL aww I NEED YOU HERE TO GIGGLE WITH ME SIM! HAHAH someone just turned up Angel's mic louder than the girls - she was ROCKING it! ooh a veronica sang some that actually sounded live! and they're off key bwahahah

oh she sang soooo bad. the little aria type bits with Mariah Carey's I'll Be There - just.. no she oversang, it sounded OFF

omfg she knocked it out of the PARK man, but Ronan sort of stuck it to her which was nasty.

Try a Little Tenderness - holy shit he's hot. SOOO HOT and sang the hell out of it

The Collective

Shiane should go home
Beautiful - xtina.. really lovely.

stop blubbering about your kids Justin
OMFG justin sang .Fun's Some Nights and he was AWFUL

Bella i forget the words and i'm better than all of you
Paved Paradise to put up a parking lot - meh. meh. dancing sucked

GOLLUM Carmello
sang good but.. he's gollum.

go back to the pub shows Jason
omg he sang Aerosmith dont wanna miss a thing. but. no. noooo. he even wore LEATHER BWAHAHAH

The Fortunate are lucky they can dance
no idea WHAT the song was - but they looked hot and sang awesome as always

Mel and Guy are giving each other shit already and it's been 18 minutes BWAHABHABH. Everyone is sort of smiley tonight. No nasty pasties. Apparently "the bitch will be back next week" from Mel.

FINAL TWO - okay after the TINY bit of performances i saw PLEASE PLEAAAAAAASE let Justin and Gollum be in the bottom two. PUHLEASE!

Fortunate are in, they have quiff's higher than Zayn or Grimmy have ever had them. and omg whatever they dressed shiane in, she looks like a doily. also. she's in.
Patrick looks like a big red pencil! he looks ridic and he's STILL got that bloody hat on. OMFG CARMELLO IS STILL IN? W T E L F? also jason's had his hair cut, he looks normal. EWWWWWW Bella got through. boo boo boo. Australia you suck. again.
Mel looks worried it might be jason...... luke is pulling this one RIGHT OUT.



why don't we do twitcams? i want these boys on twitcam.

Sam looks like she might throw up. still dragging it out luke

Jason's in. Mel and Ronan both have their teams safe. Aww i bet its Sam and Nate in the bottom two. :( BOO! See i would have voted Sim but I FORGOT IT WAS ON OKAY! next week i'll be good.

why even is it a final show down? it's not like the judges REALLY have to have another song to decide. they know who they want.

:O SAM IS SAFE! now that's a shock. okay, changing it to nate and justin because FUCK OFF if Angel is going home. N O.

8th safe issssssss................ NATE

........ deep in shock.


bahah luke just picked on guy for having every week one of his people in the bottom two BWABHABHABH i love you luke!

Angel looks like she's going to either cry or just pass out. awesome. PLEASE LET THEM SEND JUSTIN HOME! HE"S HORRID!

ooh now PINK is going to sing. also Lady Antebellum were really good. AD BREAK!

HOLY Shit Pink's quiff is MASSIVE! also she is amazing the end. and her pink frock is fabulous.

luke is this MASSIVE pink fangirl. he offered to try on her dress and she could have his suit. he also mentioned seeing her show last time she was here. three times.


bwahahahahah dying. she'll be back in june. AD BREAK.

justin - omfg he's singing the reason and ... it's fucking AWFUL. AWFUL. out of key, just. no. no no no. and i may cry for having to listen to hit. and OMFG HIS RED TROUSERS ARE AS TIGHT AS LOUIS TOMMOS!! bahaha dying. though, the notes at the end, hit them really well. and you KNOW how much that pains me to say for i HATE justin.

angel - i have no idea what she is singing... i do feel like i should know it. its a ballad.. waiting for the chorus (heheh i'm live blogging this and you are the ONLY one that will .. maybe? read it!... she has to stay, her voice is fucking EPIC! oooh I COME TO YOUUU WITH OOOOOOOPEN ARRRRRRRRRRMS she is fucking flawless. FLAWLESS. if they send her home i will boycott the rest of this shitty show. i mean it. OMG nat is in TEARS. aww i've got goosebumps! she's amazing. she needs a contract WHATEVER happens. i would BUY ALL THE THINGS! ad break.

finally back to the judges...

Nat - justin
Mel - justin
Guy - angel (haha as if angel is going home. what a croc)
Ronan - bahah ronan is all ooooooh its 50/50 i don't KNOOOOOOOOOOOOW. whatever you do so. shut up and say who it is. keeps going on about justin singing INCREDIBLY. but FREALS. Mel basically told him to send angel home in not so many words. TALENT people TALENT. OOH ronan is saying that others are voting strategically.. WHO would that be??
Luke told him to vote already LOL


and we knew that would happen. cass turns this off now. mUAHAHHAHA


holy hotness Nate!

tv = xfactor, =sim is the louis to my liam, !recap its a recap

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