I can't tell you TO go and read this. I can't even begin to tell you how it left me feeling - or how I had to stop at this part
The music gets quieter, Louis’ voice clearer in the speaker. “You can’t do this. It’s been two years, Harry.” to wander around my kitchen and laugh while tearing up saying "oh my god Morgan is going to break me with this." I can't even tell you how the words "Promise me" or "okay" will sound to you after this. I can't implore you hard enough to spend an hour or three with this fic, letting it settle into your bones and just worm its way into your heart to become one of those "so, give me your three fav 1D fics to get me into this fandom" answers that you give.
What I can say are facts:
robpatNC17/R | future!fic | 35k | alcoholism to deal with feelings, paul, saint liam payne, niall and churros, zayn and sleeping, roadtrip!fic, TWINE not yarn, promise me something, okay, five times not ten - not that i've been counting, colorado, maine, georgia peach, bless, graceland, the grand canyon, central park, fingerprints, fight with me, liams hugs are for him alone get your own. | louis and his heart | harry and his mind | louis/harry
summary: Harry thinks he might not really know what okay is, but Louis is warm next to him, solid and constant and questioning. He’s all wide eyes and nerves and vulnerability. And this feels alright, this might be some sort of okay, Harry thinks." Future!fic, roadtrip!fic, OT5 friendship!fic.
read it because of:
i can't paste the whole fic here.. just make it one of THE things you do this week.