Four Fluffy Fic Recs #1D

Jul 15, 2012 08:49

well not exactly FOUR fluffy - more three and one h/c but it didn't have the same ring to it...

H/C first - and this one is just - it HURTS to read, but the little moments between the boys where the looks and touch say more than words ever could are brilliant. Also the way the five of them interact - the way they know when to back off, when to stay close, what's normal and what's not is almost as insightful as actually being there and knowing the boys as well as this look into their lives at this ONE horrible moment seems to be. ANYWAY its by theviolonist who's work is amazeballs so that in itself should be enough incentive for you to read.

UNDRESSED by theviolonist
R | 23k | gen!ot5 | FLOCKED
summary: They go back to the bungalow to help Harry detox from heroin.
“For fuck’s sake, Louis! There is something wrong with him, how hard can it be to acknowledge that?” Niall shouts, red-faced.

Louis’s arm shoots out and winds itself around Harry’s shoulders, fingers curling at his nape. The way he’s so angry and yet so unfailingly faithful would almost be funny if it weren’t tragical. “There’s nothing wrong with him, you prick,” he hisses.

The pasta must be getting cold, Liam thinks. Another thing to go to waste.

“He’s an heroin addict, Louis,” Niall presses meanly, blindly. All this anger, it must be so hard to keep it inside. Sometimes Niall confuses Liam so much, with his happiness and his anger and the way his skin can’t lie, always reveals him.

Liam watches Harry, and Harry’s hands are shaking too now, tiny shivers taking root at the tip of his fingers and shaking his whole hands violently, like electroshocks. He’s cursing under his breath, but he doesn’t make any sound, hair damp at his temples. Zayn has his eyes closed and a wrinkle barring his forehead. Niall and Louis are shouting, shouting, shouting, and Liam is silent.

What a team, Liam thinks, and he starts collecting the plates, trying to avoid the curses flying over his head and the sight of Harry, trying not to let the anger pervade his body too, in vain. He feels like collateral damage.

SHEETS ARE SWAYING by infinitesparks
T | 2k | louis/harry
summary: it was a week later than it was supposed to be, but louis was finally going to have his homecoming - once and for all.
Harry turned his body just enough that he was facing the counter. He slid his red bracelet over, flipping it so that he could reattach the clasp. He paused after a few moments, his eyes darting over to his side and then slowly traveling up Louis' frame, widening as they went. Once green eyes met blue, a beatific, wide smile was on Harry's face, and the bead fell onto the counter, already forgotten.

"Louis!" he exclaimed, lunging forward the few feet that kept them apart before his long arms were wrapping around Louis' shoulder and pulling them into each other. "You're home," he breathed out into his ear. He pulled away - just barely - and pressed a kiss to Louis' lips, followed by another, and another.

R | AU little prince/space age!fic | harry/louis (zayn/liam, matt/aiden)
summary: harry and louis go on an intergalactic road trip across the solar system (or the one where they look at diamond rain on saturn)
"we could have - ugh," louis lets off with a quick moan and pants his way through the rest of the sentence, "could have done this any old time."

harry just rest his head against louis' sweaty forehead and drives deeper into his lover's body, hiking louis' legs up around his waist, "will you let - oh god," harry groans but tries to finish, "let up? you can see the cloud to-to-tomorrow."

louis opens his mouth to protest but a particularly sharp thrust from harry makes him stutter and the other man laughs as louis' legs clench so tight around him it feels like harry's become permanently louis' and no one else's.

he's very okay with that.

and lastly by the same author, a little SWEET something from the kinkmeme

T | painter!harry, model!louis AU | harry/louis | kinkmeme locked
prompt: Harry proposes on the second date.
It's just that Louis' far, far too beautiful. He's got eyes the colour of the sea and lips that are thin and pink and lovely. Harry can't stop staring at the way his shoulders fan out, the slimness of his waist, the tan skin on his long throat, the flare of his eyelashes, the curve of his bum.

And what a fantastic bum it was.

Harry's fingers are itching to paint him, but mostly (and this is a feeling Harry has never experienced before) he just wants to hold Louis. He just wants to sidle up against him and never let him go.

Zayn should have warned him. Harry gets terribly attracted to beautiful things.

WHO HAS SOME RECS FOR MEEEE?? obviously I'm trying to avoid finishing this Lilo fic which is over 12k now and I still have to wind the damn thing up

otp: five idiots in love, (pimp it like you mean it), fandom: 1d, (its just so fluffy!), (aint to proud to beg), ~procrastination at its finest~, **yes im that bored im posting shit**, pairing: (1d) harry/louis, (send me hot recs), (beloved fanfic)

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