Jun 12, 2012 13:45

so it starts like this.

I see Morgan flirting with the idea of a bakery!au because - HELLO harry worked in one. and i GET ALL THE EXCITE because I remember WAY long ago in my TSN feels that the bakery!wardo fic was the ONE FIC EVERYONE REC'D AND IT WAS AND PROBABLY STILL IS ONE OF MY ALL TIME FAVOURITE FICS IN ANY FANDOM and its fluff and hearts and unicorns and - well i'm NOT that so for a fic to win me over with those standards is a pretty hard task. and then there was this. I had so many, MANY feelings I had to break up my final comment in part2 into two parts because LJ has 'word limits' in there comments - DID YOU EVEN KNOW THAT? anyhoo. please read this and let the joy spread through you all around and everywhere until your a fucking SUNBEAM like I am right now - even if you don't DO puppy fic - this is an AU so, its just a story with names ok? ok. Not even Flocking this one. I JUST THINK YOU SHOULD ALL READ IT

ONLY SEVERAL MILES FROM THE SUN by the most beautiful and talented robpat
NC17 | baker!harry, notpiningatall!louis, makerofthebestpancakes!liam, eateroffoods!niall, donottouchmyhair!zayn, babs the amazing bakery owner, the chair in the back corner gets a mention, FEELINGS OH THE FEELINGS, romance, sweetness, pure happiness in word form | 12k | louis/harry, liam/danielle's hand and shoes and cupcakes for her

summary: It started with a walk and unexpected rain and Babs. It started with a smile and green eyes and a bag of warm apple cinnamon muffins. Actually, it started with the bakery. Bakery AU, because of reasons.

read it because of EVERYTHING I HAVE ALREADY STATED AND HONESTLY HAVE I EVER STEERED ANY OF YOU IN ANY FANDOM DOWN THE WRONG PATH? NO I DID NOT THINK SO! but anywayHe doesn’t catch the way Babs leans in close to Harry and says, “Have you got a bit of a crush, then?”

Louis doesn’t see the way Harry shrugs, broad shoulders all caught up in embarrassment. Louis is still wrapped up in Shakespeare, his eyes tired from running over the lines in his head, repeating the same words over and over again like a song until they stick. He nods along to the rhythm of the lines, too focused to hear Harry say, “I’ve only got eyes for you, Babs.”

And Louis completely misses the way Harry’s eyes tell her the truth.

-death by awesome-, fandom: 1d, -put a fork in me-, {bakery!au is a thing now}, =robpat pimps me slashy things, -i have lost the ability to can-, !please dont hurt me flist, -all the pretty feelings-, -oh happy day-, (pimp it like you mean it), -its a flail post. a flail post-, -my emotions-, pairing: (1d) harry/louis, -feelings: i have them-, -come and squee with me-, (beloved fanfic), -flailyflailcomeflailyflailwithme-, (quick fic rec), (bandom is banging)

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