Quick Fic Rec - #TSN andrew/jesse AU AND THEN WHEN THE (R)

Jun 11, 2012 23:49

AND THEN WHEN THE by pr-scatterbrain

r | ballet!au - dancer!jesse, actor!andrew, perfect characterisations of emma stone, kiera knightly, guest moments with matt smith and rob pattinson, imagery out the wazoo, sex of the feely kind | 12.4k | andrew/jesse
summary: A ballet au where Jesse is a dancer who worked on Black Swan and dances with the Mariinsky Ballet Company, and Andrew (who is the newest and brightest bright young thing) falls for him.
read it because of:
During the intermission cheap champagne had been served.

Andrew tastes it on Jesse lips when he leans over and kisses him.

For a moment Jesse kisses back, soft and sweet.

When he pulls away, Andrew wants - Andrew always wants more. He always has. Sometimes he thinks he always will. There is colour in Jesse’s cheeks and Andrew can taste him on his tongue. Inside his chest his heart thuds and throws itself against his rib cage. But this isn’t his home (it’s not even Jesse’s anymore) and it isn’t his place. Andrew doesn’t push.

{rpf: what is my life?}, (quick fic rec), pairing: (tsn) jesse/andrew, fandom: the social network

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