Weekend Roundup - or the one where i realised i have 1Dsomnia

May 27, 2012 20:28

so i'm fairly certain all of you who "know me" as much as you can people you interact with online can know someone - have realised that i've slipped and fallen into this fandom ABYSS and i truly have no hopes in ever coming out.

For the past. . . I think it's three weeks? Maybe more? I've become more of a fangirl than I ever thought possible. First it was the music, which I've loved on since last year and then it was - oh, send me a couple of recs to mathab androbpat and then it was OMFG THEY ARE HERE IN MY COUNTRY - WAIT! HOME TOWN I COULD HAVE SEEN THEM - but alas I wasn't quite near complete life fail yet because then I don't know what it was - the maybe kiss in Wellington or the few tumblrs I started following or maybe it was Sweden but I fell, harder, lost hold of the tiny string that was my sanity and ability to look at other fandoms and then well

This weekend happened.

I could blame getting swept away with robpat and coolbreeeze and their epic tweetathons of ALL CAPS CRAZY or I could blame the fact because (Ha!) I decided to write a "little" something (which, right now, in its LAST stages is at 37.5k) for my insomnia - I had around 3 hours sleep on thursday/friday morning, then another two and a half on friday/saturday and well i went to bed this morning at around 7.30am. Which was 24 hours of being awake.

I haven't done that since discovering fanfiction in 08.

This fandom, these people, these FEELINGS, this BAND!

Its not even that I have LUSTY feelings over these boys (really, they are quite young but they are SO pretty and I think, overall, it's their personalities that wins you over in the end (all except Maple Syrup aka Liam Payne because he is just - a life ruiner of the highest order with his sweetness and his overall wow factor but thats another subject entirely). I love their music - its pop of the highest quality with angst filled ballads and jump around crazy sing your heart out moments and I honestly can NOT wait for my live DVD to arrive at work tomorrow (because I'm getting it sent there PURELY so I can watch as soon as i get in the door - and IT BETTER NOT BE LATE BECAUSE I WILL SOB).

I've never watched this many live videos of the same songs in different venues in my LIFE. I've never watched as many interviews and behind the scenes shenanigans about a band EVER.

So maybe its the fact that social media is so used by them, maybe its the fact that they seem to be genuinely lovely lads or maybe its the whole 'hidden relationship' thing but idk

I'm lost to this and everytime I look at my floor and think - shit when did i last vaccuum or glance at the dishwasher and think - should probably put away the clean stuff and stack the dirty thats piling beside the bench or even - WOW i nearly forgot to do washing, wtf was i going to wear to work tomorrow - or the fact that I wasn't REALLY that sick last monday when i begged off work early to come home

and read fanfiction
and write
and SQUEE with my Sausage aka wordgasmic

There may not be hope for me and anything else for a LONG time

when exactly does the US tour end??

{sailing away with this ship}, fandom: 1d, =robpat pimps me slashy things, =sausage gives me feels, ^i am completely sane^, -sleep? we need no sleep-, !please dont hurt me flist, -fuckingpuppies-, =mathab is a dirty porn enabler, -feelings: i have them-, !personal bzns

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