Fic: Happy Endings (NC17 Colin/Bradley RPF)

May 05, 2012 07:45

Title: Happy Endings written for the merlinbb_rpf minibang challenge (more faboo entries there!)
Author: badjujuboo
Pairings/characters: Bradley/Colin
Rating: NC17
Word Count: 4.7k
Warnings: PWP - rimming, frottage, a little orgasm denial and a cock ring thrown in for laughs

Summary: Things have to start somewhere, and for Colin it's as cliché as with a kiss.

Disclaimer: Absolutely, positively none of this is true.
Authors Notes: MASSIVE apologies for the lateness of this! There were RL issues and I also imagined it was for posting on the 4th and its now the 5th in Oz so we'll just say YAY! PORN! and leave it at that *humbly slinks away* Also, porn is apparently my writing tool of choice now. Idek anymore...Beta'd and picked over by the amazing mamacita, otta_ff and asya_ana - all further mistakes are my own. [will be flocked on LJ in three weeks time]

but this was bradley's game, and colin was happy to be along for the ride. because if coming from excessive lips-on-lips action was only the beginning? then colin was most definitely in for the long run.

or @AO3

@colin eyeslipsbrogue morgan, ^i am completely sane^, !fest, [1 bradley said let colin always have], ^all the slash things^, pairing: (merlin) bradley/colin, {rpf: what is my life?}, {this is my life these are my choices}, [3 because brolin is real], {arnold rimminger strikes again!}, ^its all fingerporn here^, fest: merlinrpf minibang, (i wrote this), -gameon-, (its just porn mom), {toys of an adult nature}, fandom: merlin, [2 all the orgasms], (beloved fanfic), @bradley lipsandcrookedteeth james

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