Quick Fic Rec - (you are) my sunshine (R niall/liam, louis/harry, gen)

Apr 29, 2012 13:28

I'm supposed to be in a writing war with wordgasmic but what she doesn't know won't hurt her MUAHAHA

and also, because this made me FEEL SO MUCH i'm leaving it unlocked for now, THOUGH you will need to friend love_wilts to read the fic but DO IT OMG YOU NEED TO DO IT!

I can't remember WHAT fic of love_wilts it was that had me seeing this UPDATE in my inbox and thinking just CLICK ON THAT YOU DONT NEED TO WRITE FOR YOU KNOW HER WORDS WILL BE WORTH EVERY SECOND OF READING TIME and honestly, I've been researching (and i use that term loosely) icons before even contemplating coming here and telling you ALL TO GO AND READ THIS AND JUST PLEASE SOMEONE COME BACK AND FLAIL IN GIF FORM IF YOU NEED BE BECAUSE I AM STILL ABSOLUTELY REELING FROM THIS STORY!

[so a short rec turned into this BLURTATION OF EMOTIONS]
My eyes still have tears in them (which also could be because i have Moments on repeat - which i do NOT recommend you playing at all when reading this because you will drown in your tears DROWN LIKE I DID). This is one of the most beautiful and heart felt fics I've ever read - no matter what fandom and to be truthful, any published work that I paid for. It's such an emotional rollercoaster - but beyond the actual story is the characters themselves. The boys all have their own unique voices, their little things that make them so unique ring utterly true throughout this and its the relationships that are built not only between all five of them but between them all individually with Niall that make this fic just WORK.

The side story of Lou and Harry in this is unbearable in the best of ways, the touches and the banter and words SO unspoken but there all the same are just - perfection and only add to Niall's own journey. Zayn is amazing in this, completely how I'd picture him to be especially protective of both Niall and Liam towards the end. and Liam.


I don't think there will be another Liam in fic quite like this one. Lovewilts makes him impossible not to love, only adding to my already quite LARGE obsession of the actual guy himself because in this - oh gods if he is anything like THIS in real life then he is truly a life RUINER of all things. The way he is with Niall, the music box! OMG THE MUSICBOX! The stars and the astrology and fate and destiny and Liam just BEING there. I've given myself goosebumps just rethinking over the parts that mattered the most, the fingertips on his face, the silent way he just LOVED Niall and this was supposed to be a quick rec.




(you are) my sunshine by the fucking amazing and talented and all around win love_wilts

R | angst/medical crap/mild drug use/uglycryswarning better yet this gif (seriously this is STILL me right now) | 26k | liam/niall, implied harry/louis and hints of 0T5
summary:because this is the kind of illness that love alone cannot heal, and finally, they have realized this.
read because of this: I think all my babbling above should be enough but..
“don’t you want to wait until the sun goes down completely?” zayn pleads, and his voice sounds very young. it reminds niall of the days they spent at bootcamp, swapping stories and comparing girls and giggling long into the night.

niall shrugs noncommittally, pushes away the fringes of old memories. “i’m sure it’s beautiful,” he whispers, before drifting back into a place where everything is safe and no one has to make promises they know they can’t keep.

**and so i just spent 10 minutes rereading bits to find A part without giving away too much and for a perfect PIECE to share and entice... obviously i have love for this fic issues**

{sailing away with this ship}, {what is air?}, fandom: 1d, :::fic talk:::, -ugly cries-, [the couch tag], {my heart it has all the feels}, =lovewilts has destroyed me, -my emotions-, {rpf: what is my life?}, (beloved fanfic), (the good ship angst), (quick fic rec)

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