Quick Fic Rec - Eternity #beinghuman (spoilers up to end of S3)

Apr 14, 2012 21:49

So this is now canon S4 and beyond for me. i REFUSE to watch now, this is it:

ETERNITY by themuslimbarbie

summary:He told her once that they were for eternity. She believed him then.
But now…well, now she's not so sure.
Spoilers for up to end S3 | PG13 | annie/mitchell, george/nina
read it because it makes the end of S3 pain that little bit more bearable.
[spoilery quote is spoilery]

She never goes to his room anymore. She doesn't think she could survive it, seeing his old room without him. So alone, so empty, so haunted.

The door just sits there shut, night after night, day after day. Untouched, but never unnoticed.

pairing: (bh) annie/mitchell, -put a fork in me-, (sometimes you just need to read), fandom: being human, pairing: (bh) george/nina, (beloved fanfic), (the good ship angst), (quick fic rec)

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