Recap - Glee S3 E14 or WHY? WHY AM I WATCHING THIS?

Feb 23, 2012 21:39

. . . utter ball of rage.

that is the only way I can describe this.

1 - Karofsky? I mean. . . REALLY? He disappears as Kurts bully only to come back gay and into Kurt (yes, explained as the boy pulling the girls pigtails etc) and then out of NOWHERE in the Valentines episode (which quite frankly I didn't even recap because it was STUPID) and then THIS??


If they had of killed him, I truly believe I would have just shut off the episode - BUT YET!

There was more.

2 - Finchel. Getting married. I laughed. So hard. AND THE END? I MEAN WTF? (but we'll get to that.

3 - Sue/Shue/Teachers pretend caring - do they just SPLICE in caring moments with the teaching staff? Are these done after all the singing and carrying on is over with and the writers/producers think "oh gee, we better throw in a shot of Shue "relating" to the kids now"
We won't even touch the pregnancy bit. Nope. Because it is RIDICULOUS.

4 - WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO QUINNS CHARACTER? I hate it. I HATE IT WITH THE FIERY PASSION OF A THOUSAND SUNS WORTH OF HATRED! I was perfectly happy with her as the queen bitch and Santana as her ebil sidekick. Then she REALLY found god and is all good and squeaky and - honestly Kurt's speech to her about her "low times" was pretty much on the mark for me.
And her in the car - come the FUCK ON GLEE!

5 - The wedding. Need I say more?

Things that made watching bearable? Irish boy and peanut butter - ahh the comic relief that obviously Glee believe their little leprechaun has! The fact FINALLY glee have got it together in the song stakes and regionals actually featured more than Rachel freaking Berry! THE DADS AND THE HUMMEL/HUDSON FAMILIES! Kurt/Blaine et al, Kurt and Karofsky at the hospital - pretty much I'd watch an entirely kurt/blaine


Someone, next week. Just send me a list like this so I DO NOT HAVE TO WATCH THIS SHIT ANYMORE!
Because obviously I have no self control when it comes to the utter worst in american television.

-fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-, !recap its a recap, -i am a giant ball of rage-, -credit to the floor post-, ~spoilers~, tv = glee!

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