Recap - SKINS S6 E3 or Dice are apparently REALLY COOL

Feb 11, 2012 19:57

Alex wins at life.

I am already enamored with him and we're one episode in. He's gay (is it excessively weird that I was happy we had a gay guy this season? All I could think of was - YAY SOMEONE LIKE MAXXIE! I think I label too much) he plays life like a game and he made LIV SMILE and I LOVE LIV!

Plus I mean, the end on the boat? Who wouldn't love a guy who steals a body and puts it out to see?? And he loves his gran. Aw bless.

I missed Rich and I miss Matty terribly :(

noticeably good bits apart from anything Alex and Liv. I'd have to say Nick agreeing to be gay with Alo and dance. HEH!

noticeably shit bits Frankie, I hate her with the fiery passion of a thousand suns and if the chatter on tumblr is right, her storyline is only going to get shittier and honestly THIS WAS THE MOMENT WHERE MY DISLIKE BURNED INTO RAGING UNHOLY HATRED.

what a fucking bitch.

Apparently, in Frankie's world, accidents DON'T happen. ANd anyway bitch, Matty was driving that fast to save your arse not in some misguided suicide attempt!


yeah you are.

Anyhoo, next week - may skip it no i wont because Frankie shits me THAT MUCH.

(in random slighlty related news: picked up this alo/minnie fic on tumblr *runs to read*)
most if not all these gifs come from the haven that is frankyfitz reblogs/blogs

[monobrow matty], !recap its a recap, [i hate frankie], -ranty rant is ranty-, tv = skins

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