Recap - SHERLOCK S2 Finale or THE ONE WITH ALL THE O.O MOMENTS (and an art rec)

Jan 17, 2012 20:12

phoenixacid makes the most BEAUTIFUL things and this, THIS took my breath away and completely sat where my heart was at the end of this episode (which also has my FLAILY review in the cut below)

first of all O M F G!

Amazing opening scenes. I absolutely adore the way Martin plays Watson. The wealth of emotion he puts into ticks and slight movements tells far more than a ton of words ever would. THOUGH in saying that, his final line at the cemetery? *EPIC SOB SNIFFLE*

Again, the writers in Sherlock just BLOW MY MIND with how twisted and plot filled the whole episode is. We get so SO much out of a look or a quick shot on screen of something that seems completely innocent but - as good Sherlock watchers will know - means a hell of a lot later!

I really HOPE we get to see more of the reasoning behind Sherlock and Mycroft relationship - well demise of one to where they are now. And Moriarty IS DEAD?!

I will sorely miss his brand of evil genius. The whole moment when he's breaking into the tower and prancing about with the Crown Jewels - adore him! Even if he's a bastard. I really didn't see Sherlock getting out of his game towards the end and IF I CAN JUST SAY

It was Moriarty's body thrown over the edge, the face was smashed in and John only saw what he THOUGHT he would see. That's got to be the answer, especially when you remember that Mycroft IS England - he'd help Sherlock out with a fake death surely.

BUT where does that leave us for a third season now we've killed off Sherlocks most infamous nemesis??

fandom: sherlock, [the couch tag], !recap its a recap, -fuckery-, fan art, !flist, -flailyflailcomeflailyflailwithme-

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