One Shot - Our Today (Arthur/Merlin R)

Dec 29, 2011 17:03

Title: Our Today
Author: badjujuboo
Pairings/characters: Merlin/Arthur
Rating: R
Word Count: 4800k
Warnings: angst, main and secondary character death/rebirth
Summary: Arthur lies there still, waiting for Albion to call on him. And Merlin, well, Merlin waits. How many times can he say goodbye without really being able to say it all?
Authors Notes: Plot bunnies need to leave me alone. That and Queen and The Highlander movie-Who Wants To Live Forever is basically the reason I wrote this in the first place (and when I was done it had been played oh, 400+ times on my iTunes not to mention however many extra on my iPod). Endless thanks to my beloved beta Su and roamercorridors because she's pretty and stuff!
Disclaimer: Merlin and its recognisable characters belongs to the BBC and SHINE and I own near to nothing but sad times.

"And so it was that the Knights who had so valiantly fought by Arthur's side for years now bore him upon their shoulders and made their way over a series of nights and days to a lake that was shrouded in mist and mystery. They asked not any further questions but put their trust in Merlin, as they had done for longer than they knew. When it was time to take that final step, Merlin had them stand aside, much to their displeasure. He placated them all, told them they would all meet again; and with a kiss for each one, he and Arthur departed on an old boat that appeared when it was time and floated off, away from the shore."

or @AO3 or FFn

fandom: merlin, pairing: (merlin) merlin/gwaine

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