Glee - or the one with the stupidity of tied bows

Dec 07, 2011 18:10

I hate myself for watching this.
No really.

I almost, ALMOST liked this episode and then Lips appeared and I was happy - until his parents were all YAY at him living at some complete strangers homes and moving state?

And then I was happy because Santana is just BRILLIANT

And then there was well.. Klaine

(I swear he gets THE BEST LINES EVER) credit

and BLAINE BOXING AND NOT TALKING OF FIGHT CLUB (dear GODS is there anything Darren Criss can do to stop me from my love of him??)

And then there was the SONGS

which really is the only reason I still watch Glee (apart from Klaine and Britanna and, well, Sam now) The MJ songs at the end did make me tear up.

Mercedes. Anything Mercedes and her voice and her gorgeous hot self is win. Always.(though not with her relationship with Lady Lips which to me is way beyond any type of belief)

  1. The wrapping up of Mike Chang's father relationship. WE DONT NEED PERFECTION GLEE LAND STOP IT!
  2. Lady Lips song.. about red cups... and drinking.
  3. Am I still watching a FAMILY program that was meant to be LIGHT and FLUFFY and filled with music or are we now stepping dangerously close to my beloved Degrassi Junior High (the original with Spike and Snake and Joey & the Zits) I don't want the PSA moments, I dont NEED them - as far as I know, they're airing Degrassi Junior High - Next Gen so lets just leave the Canucks to it, eh?
  4. More tying of stupid knots getting rid of the amazing Idina Menzel (who is AMAZING in her own right and it must have been for money that she even appeared on this) and her relationship with Puck (still WTF over that) and having bitchy!Quinn turn GOOD again? NNOOOOO I LIKE QUEEN BEE Q!
  5. Anytime Shue is on screen I vomit a little in my mouth. True story.
rant over. At least next week is filled with carols and things - which is why I already own the Christmas Soundtrack for christmas is win even when it is cheesy :D

@darren its harry freaking potter criss, o.o, !recap its a recap, -ranty rant is ranty-, **the wtf post**, tv = glee!

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