Fic Rec BONANZA - mid september style with a side of OMG WHAT HAVE I DONE?

Sep 14, 2011 22:44

So I was TRYING to start having monthly fic recs instead of weeklyish, figuring I could whittle down the MUST reads for you all but I'm finding it hard when there are SO MANY THINGS YOU NEED TO READ SO I CAN SQUEE AND COMPARE STUPID OMG OMG NOTES WITH YOU ALL! ahem so I'm bringing you this months half September SPECIAL filled with one shots and long fics and there's even some TSN at the end.. BUT FIRST OFF! I blame (because I can and because they love me so they will forgive) bsmog and envy_venis for the few extra Fest's I've signed up for. As it stands the LIST is as follows
  1. Dramione_duet fic due on Sept 27th
  2. HD-Holidays due on November 1st
  3. the_ass_fest due on October 15th
  4. angstbigbang due on Feb 28th 2012
  5. nextgen-mas due on November 26th
  6. HD-remix due on Feb 10th 2012
sooo I'm going to be a little busy *tries not to hyperventialte* BUT Lock and Key is nearly complete and Whispers and Moans is near done too, so that's going to free up my writing time and with a LOT of different pairings to write for I'm sure my brain won't be able to give in to the dreaded WB pressure! I've got a couple of drarry one shots half done (eyeballs coolbreeze) and a couple of dramione that are sitting there waiting for a once over and ready to post so even if I'm NOT posting, know that i'm doing something. Most likely PM's and general tweets of the kicking ass type are ALWAYS welcome just for your information.aaaaand now to the fun part. FIC RECS AHOY HOY!

Drarry -

Under the Bridge by blue R warnings:: attempt at suicide, nothing TOO heavy ::

Break down your walls (you've been branded like property) by mentalistecbm R who I then fic stalked, the following are hers too and SO DAMN GOOD
Wear it on your sleeve (hell shan’t know another way) by mentalistecbm
Cut by mentalistecbm
and a three parter - How To Succeed in adulthood, while kind of trying (one | two | three) cowritten by mentalistecbm and imprint_of_doe (who I'm also going to fic stalk) R
Endureable Detour by envy_venis NC17

I went through my collection of bookmarks too and found a few choice cuts of old...
Of the Heart's Fullness and Of the Coming Emptiness by tout_a_coup NC17
Lip Locked by alafaye NC17
Pliant Like the Bamboo by valinorean PG13
Rebuilding Draco Malfoy by khasael R

And then there were tumblr recs and an emo day spent in LOVE with oldenuf2nb
Thin as Thimble by Kay the Cricketed
Bollocks by faithwood NC17
Shattered by oldenuf2nb NC17
Nobodies Ever Died of a Broken Heart by frayachwarnings:: character death before story begins ::
Once Upon a Time, Yesterday by oldenuf2nb NC17
The Potter-Malfoy Problem by who_la_hoop NC17
One Step Forward and Back Two by flower_carnage PG13

I started in on what I've seen rec'd out the wazoo on tumblr - Saving Connor by lightning on the wave there are 7 stories I think that are all in line with the original books but VERY different with the addition of Harry having a twin who is the supposid saviour, Connor, and Harry being sorted into Slytherin, befriended early on by our Draco. Most of the way through the first book and its intriguing, but not something I'm willing to say is a must read JUST yet.

AND HD BIG BANG ERISED happened! These are all EXTREMELY lengthy fics so well worth a weekend or a few parts every night and all have such delicious plots you need to immerse yourself in...
(Open Up) And Breathe by talekayler gorgeous art especially by wincest_drarry

and I read Snarry. Okay so I DO like some of these, and I think the exception is femme's work
Sing A Mad Rebellion NC17

Teddy/James Sirius have become my other OTP for NEXT GEN
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back. Shag, Rinse, Repeat. by gryffindor_j NC17
The Feel of It by minddabbles NC17
The Rules of Being a Godson by Sam_storyteller PG13

The Social Network
So this is where I go when I'm writing HP and need to read something unrelated and WONDERFUL (mostly NC17 but a few PG/R too)

oflights - Came Out on the Otherside and You Could Hold Me Forever and Change of Time
moogle62 - Pink Magnolias in Winter and its sequel What Not to Do When Your Boss is Dating the Guy He Erased From His Memory and The Time Is Come When the Day is Done
slasher48 - Where Great Cities Rise and Loose Lips R
coolbreeze wrote TSN!! Hold Your Breath hiccough cure fabulousness and now to await her next HD fic ;o)
Andrew/Jesse awesomeness in I Need to be Under Ur Skin by sanann

SEE why I needed a bi-monthly post??
READING RIGHT NOW (while im writing I assure you!)
Tissue of Silver by fearless diva which i got from a tumblr rec and it SAID its 567000 words O.O ... we'll see how far I get!

fest: dramione duet, fest: hd remix, fest: angst big bang, fandom: harry potter, fest: next-genmas, fest: the ass fest, (beloved fanfic), fest: hd hols, fandom: the social network

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