Fic Rec - #drarry Normal People (from @bsmog my blackheart)

Jun 29, 2011 23:14

When Bsmog tells me I'll like something, I usually listen - because over the past few months we've been swapping fic rec's and its virtually like we have the same fic brain or something. Angst/Emo/nonHEA/funny/hot/amazingly written - thats our genre ;o)


When she says "hey its an AU with Muggle!Draco" I was hesitant, but knowing that we're fic twin souls I got her to send me the link and wow.

Just wow.

Romantic, stunningly written, brilliant plot and a first time HP writer?!?

Don't let your hesitations or OMG I DONT READ MUGGLE!HP PLOTS! get in the road (I was only SLIGHTLY pulled out with the American bits - starbucks, mom etc but the fic is amazing enough to look past those). Just click and come back and DISCUSS or djfkdljgdljgdlaj all over the place.

Summary: Harry returns to Little Whinging, expecting another summer alone. However, his vacation is turned on its head when he meets Draco Malfoy, a Muggle boy visiting his aunt for the summer.

pairing: (hp) harry/draco, (beloved fanfic), fandom: harry potter

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