So I'm on an Art Kick (Drarry/Dramione/Next Gen)

Jun 15, 2011 20:15

So instead of READING to procrastinate, I kind of dug through deviantart instead!
dont you hate it when you hit enter and it posts WHEN YOUR NOT DONE? )

fan art, fandom: harry potter

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callme_k June 15 2011, 22:44:48 UTC
Never before have I ventured into this side of the HP fandom but I saw a dramione vid on youtube the other could almost have been canon it was that good!
I love how tender and cute the dramione pics are :)


badjujuboo June 16 2011, 09:24:34 UTC
oo I've never seen a dramione vid! I get linked to them on twitter all the time but never click, can you link mee e please?

And these are LOVELY arent they!


callme_k June 16 2011, 15:35:27 UTC
I've missed out on a bunch as well, back when I unfortunately wasn't taking much notice.

This is the one I mentioned. The vidder uses minimal clips, but the song choice is just right and there's a real sort of sweet sadness to the vid.

I also found this one:


badjujuboo June 16 2011, 15:53:01 UTC
appropriate avi is appropriate

and also I LOVE HEEM!

(will watch and report back!)


badjujuboo June 18 2011, 13:18:10 UTC
omg the love i have of BOTH of these vids, they're gorgeous!


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