The River (Harry Potter - Drarry)

Mar 23, 2011 22:07

Title: In the Key of Drarry
Author: miztrezboo
Pairings/Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: M
Word Count: 2443
Genre: Angst citay.
Summary: Started out from Adele's "Set Fire to the Rain" and became a LOT more emo after that...

Standing by the river, he watches and he wishes that the tide would rip him out to sea, disappear him from this place of feeling that only deepens as the skies darken overhead. Green infiltrates the mercurial grey and waters churn and surge into battle once more.

Warnings: None - well, heart clench sadness moments mebe.. EWE and DH compliant.
Beta: Nah, I'm just posting these as they come to light. Wanna fix it? Just let me know.
Disclaimer: All characters belong to JKRowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Raincoast and Warner Bros et al. No copyright infringement is intended.

Note: Dear those that read, I'm bored and for some reason FFn won't let me upload any new chapters or edit anything and because I find myself not able to actually FINISH chapters or get chapter writing inspiration this week (I blame my cold) I'm going to do a little drabbly ish writing from song lyrics/songs that inspire.. because to be honest, it's basically how I write everything. They'll be short and virtually what I can write while awaiting public transport to and from home. Not beta'd, probably horrific in its spelling/grammar/comma use BUT, words none the less (if you're one of those beta types who wants to beta these, then go ahead and send me your deets in PM or twitter and we'll converse). Could be one a day, could be two or three but it'll be a something.


The River

pairing: (hp) harry/draco

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