Fic Rec Spam and Stuff

Mar 14, 2011 23:25

So I've been busy immersing myself in all things Potterfic featuring my favorite bad boy - Draco.

aka Tom Felton

Yes I know there's a HUGE thing between the Drarry and the Dramione shippers and well.. I just like/love Draco. All forms and I get my slash hit on one hand and my HET on the other. BEST OF BOTH WORLDS.

So I updated my master OMG READ IT I LOVED IT SOOO file here
and I'm constantly plugging my recent reads on tumblr here

And the wips that own me -

Drarry - Turn by Sara's Girl .. really.. she's awesome. And Promises and Lies by Alisanne

Dramione - Isolation, Wrong Life, The Fallout

STILL looking for some awesome Scorpius/Albus Sev M or even T rated fics, especially some lovely multichaps if you have any recs, LEAVE ME SOME!

I'm absorbed in the hd_remix fest, and honestly, the hd_prophet takes up at least an hour of my time nightly with all the os recs... i haven't jumped into any multi's or WIPS in Drarry world lately, I think I will do once I get this Dramione piece complete for the GrangerEnchanted Ten Years celebration.

AND I'm still writing. I work on chunks of the emo drarry and about 3 different Dramiones (Seriously.. I have plot bunny ocd). I've JUST about finished my time in the Twilight Fandom with one last auction piece to be written then it'll be all HP writing all the time.

Which really means it'll be reading more than I already do. Which is probably a bad thing. Social life? Who needs it!

AND n7of9 suckered me into watching Friday Night Lights and OMG its like CRACK I steam rollered through 2 seasons and because I ran OUT OF DOWNLOADS i'm holding off on season 3 until I know I have at least half of season 4 ready to watch.

Tim Riggins. I heart thee.

Soooo what's going on in your world?

tv = the other love, (weekly roundup of all things), -sex sex sex-, (beloved fanfic), fandom: harry potter

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