Movie Review - Black Swan

Jan 23, 2011 20:39

One word - AMAZING
or should that be -  OSCAR

I've literally just finished watching it, the credits are still rolling in the background behind this window and i'm JUST BLOWN AWAY.  I actually had to turn the lights on at one point (I am a skeerdy cat) but wow.  Just. WOW.

Natalie Portman is epically brilliant in this.  Even if you don't enjoy ballet (which I do) this... this will take you in, grab you by the cahones and PULL you along for the ride.  It's messed up. Completely and utterly mind fucking in a way you wouldn't predict and will have you guessing till the BITTER END.

Bits I Loved -

Everything is saying to much.  But the dancing, the locations, the whole LOOK and feel with the soundtrack. Works on so many, many levels.

The moments with her rather creepy mother Barbera Hershey who I can't actually remember seeing in anything but Beaches (another all time fav) but she was BRILLIANT in this.. yes I think i'll be using that word a lot!  The creepy way she sat beside her daughter, playing the music box and stroking her hair to sleep.... While I like the idea of my own mum stroking my hair its usually only when I'm sick or very VERY drunk and I haven't asked her to do that since I was a) living with her and b) in my early twenties. 

Mila Kunis. I've loved her since the That 70's Show days and she was wonderful in Max Payne and again here she fits and works so well.  She gives off that shady friend kind of feel.. the girl you want to hang around with because she can get you into the cool parties and good drugs but not want to be friends with because you're fairly certain she's not the friendly type.  Lily/Kunis' attempts to befriend Nina/Portman are full of good intent, unless of course you are stuck inside the paranoid mind of the Queen of Swans.

Winona Ryder was a suprise in this, but a good one.  I don't think I've noted her as an actress I'd watch in a LONG time, probably since How To Make An American Quilt.  But that's probably more to do with her being light fingered than anything else.  I loved Vincent Cassel in this too, but due to me also being an addict to rewatching the Oceans 11 series I kept waiting for him to steal things..  I see a similarity here ;o)

ONE last thing.
Her Bedroom. CREEPED ME RIGHT OUT!  Not to mention the mother's space/bedroom/creeptacularodetodaughter. *shudder*

Honestly, go see it. SOMEHOW. ANYHOW. It'll blow you away.  I think once I've settled a bit (and made my dinner) I may just have to watch it again.

That's a big 5/5 stars for me.

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