Movie Review - The Social Network

Jan 22, 2011 02:46

In A Word - Interesting.

Something I don't think I'll need to watch again, but it was a good watch none the less.

The characters/people were totally geeky in that kind of semi adorbs also want to check that they are human way. At least Zuckerberg was. Eduardo I really liked, I felt like he was given SUCH a raw deal out of the friendship he had with Mark.

Also I don't see the homosexual relationship between the two that others (mainly tumblr peeps) so clearly do. Sure they're friends and there is moments of mebe UST especially when JT's character gets involved...

I don't know. I was definitely left with a bad taste in my mouth about Zuckerberg. Guy seems like a world class DOUCHE. I liked the twins, they were kind of hilarious in their holier than though big head Harvard Crew boy feel.

I'd say 3/5 stars. Only adding a star for the soundtrack which is QUITE win (and Trent Reznor worked on it)

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