COMPLETE - Subway Strangers - Epilogue

Jan 16, 2011 02:09

Subway Strangers

By miztrezboo80

Genre: Twilight - Varied

Characters: Rosalie/Emmett

Rating: M

Warnings: Possible Strong Language, Sexual Content


Summary:Every day, my eyes search for him. A quick glimpse on a subway platform until I see him at night, in my dreams..." A love story between two strangers in search for something more. For Hmonster. AH
Disclaimer: All copyrights, trademarked items, or recognizable characters, plots, etc. mentioned herein belong to their respective owners. No copying or reproduction of this work is permitted without their express written authorization.

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Chapter Ten
"Mine is yours and yours is mine."

I can hear him in the hall. His shiny black shoes dropped one after the other to the floor and the slight scuffle of him pushing them into place beside the others that seem to constantly reside there. I call out my hello and he calls back, saying he's so glad to be home.


I don't expect him to come to me first. His deep timbre has made his presence known, like it has done every night since we moved in together three years ago. I know from the increase in sound that he's found Alex. I'll probably need to go down and grab them both in thirty minutes when dinner is ready because they'll somehow not hear me when I call that it's done. Just like they have done ever since Emmett created a music room for them both out of the room that was once his office.

I feel more than see Emmett come into the kitchen. The scent of his familiar cologne surrounds me as his body wraps around my own. His chin comes to rest on my shoulder, soft lips brushing against my neck as his hand moves to cover mine. Emmett lifts the spoon, filled with his favorite Thai curry and blows on the contents, before bringing it to his mouth.

"Watch it, babe. It's hot."

"I know," he whispers. I shift, giving him room and watch as his eyes slide closed and an appreciative moan leaves his mouth.

"Good?" I ask as his hand leaves mine, only to wrap around my waist and pull my body back against his. Emmett mutters what sounds like a yes, but his lips are busy once more on my neck as I return the spoon to the pot.

"You're wearing that new perfume Mom bought you."

I nod and sigh because his fingers are sliding under my blouse and across my stomach. Gooseflesh peppers my skin at his touch, my own hand lifting behind me to meet the silken curls on his head.

"Remind me to thank her for that."

I agree, pulling lightly on his hair. Emmett's lips meet mine and I can feel his smile beneath my kisses. "Let's not talk about your Mom right now," I suggest, as I turn in his arms, away from the stove so we're facing each other. Emmett's hands sweep over my ass, lifting me off my feet and I yelp. His tongue traces along my bottom lip and in no time is moving against my own.

God, that man knows how to kiss.

He steps backward and spins us so that I end up sitting on the edge of the island counter, my legs wrapped around his waist with my arms crossed at the wrist behind his head. Emmett's hands wander up and down my back as our lips do all the reacquainting that words usually do. The embers of want and need that haven't been stoked in days because he's been away at a conference are slowly stirring into life, warming me from the middle out. But there's dinner and Alex to worry about so I eventually pull back, albeit reluctantly.

"Where are you going?" He murmurs against the pulse point on my neck, a favorite place of his to suck and nibble to get my temperature rising.

"Dinner, Alex, homework, new case to work on, oh god that's good," I moan as his fingertips brush over my breast, his hand having somehow worked its way under silk and lace without my knowledge.

"Alex is jamming with his 'just-a-friend', Penny, on Skype so he'll be busy for at least twenty minutes."

"I wonder when he'll finally make it official?"

"If he's anything like his mother, it won't be for a while." he snorts and I slap his chest.

"What about dinner, then?" I ask, wanting to cover all the reasons why we shouldn't keep doing this, even though I now really want to. My fingers tug at his shirt so I can touch the toned, taut skin that lies underneath. He babbles something against my chest as I scratch my fingernails lightly through the soft hair that leads down to greater things.

"I turned the stove off when I was feeling up your ass."


He stops with that word, his fingers stuck between the last of the buttons on my shirt, my own having just begun to unzip his pants. Emmett's eyes are so dark with want and love that it almost makes me wish I had shut up and not brought the real world into our little corner of the kitchen.

"Babe, we agreed, work stops the moment we leave the office."

He's right. When I'd been worried about what the affects of me taking the bar and actually working as a lawyer would have on Alex and us, he made me a deal that we'd separate the two. Work was left at work. The only time we discuss anything related to it is for important occasions like benefits and charity things that his, now our, company hold regularly. I'm not a partner nor do I even have my own office, but I work in the same building.

Yes, it took me a year after we'd gotten together, six months after Alex and I had moved in, to actually think more about what I wanted for my future. It was actually Alex that pushed me to do it. I'd come home from a late lunch with Esme and Bella (now also close friends who both liked to needle and push me into doing things) and found my son and Emmett bent over his laptop, researching when I could next take the bar exam.

Emmett had been working on his doctoral thesis at home and Alex had asked about becoming a lawyer and the reasons Emmett why he was continuing his education. One question led to another and by the time I'd walked in the door, they'd both bombarded me with information on when and where I could take the exam and a list of potential work places where I could intern.

It was a little like an ambush, but after I listened to what they had to say over a cup of coffee and the delicious scones Emmett had made earlier in the day, I had to agree. Well, at the very least agree to attempting the bar exam once, just to see if I could. I didn't tell them it was something I'd been thinking about since Weasel had started being even more of a jerk knowing who I had a relationship with. Their 'help' was just the push I needed to get me out the door.

Alex helped me study, Emmett quizzed me and eventually, one extremely wet and dreary morning I walked in Rosalie Hale and walked out Rosalie Hale, Attorney at Law.

Months later I was still trying to get my foot in any door, being a woman of my age and so long out of law school wasn't working to my advantage. One Saturday, Emmett's dad, Drew, called and offered me a position as a runner on one of the larger cases he was working on for the city council. I hesitated and told him I'd think about it. It felt too close to home, too much like charity to just say yes. There was also a question of what would happen if I turned out to be really bad at this? Would it affect his relationship with me and my son... with his son?

When Alex stormed into the living room moments after I'd ended my call, demanding to know why I hadn't said 'yes to Pops' (what Drew had insisted he be called once he and Ruth had met Alex) I couldn't give him an acceptable answer. He'd been listening on one of the extensions in the house and wasn't impressed with my so-called 'brush off' of his adoptive grandfather.

Alex had finally found the grandparents he'd always hoped for in Emmett's mom and dad. Drew and Ruth spoiled him rotten and made him - as they did me - feel like one of the family from the first moment of introduction. Alex was constantly spending time there or asking to visit 'Aunt B and Uncle E' (which really was code for wanting to see their son, Anthony). If the McCarty's doted on Alex, the same could be said for Alex about Anthony. He adored that little boy from the moment Emmett had taken him to the hospital to visit when I was stuck at work.

Alex had fallen in love with all the McCartys, much like I had, and the thought that I would even consider saying no to Pops was beyond his understanding. By the time Emmett arrived back from practice with his band - who still played every Friday night at Charlie's - I was still no closer to convincing Alex it was a bad idea. When he was backed up by Emmett, I had really no choice but to see reason and let any concerns I may have disappear with their support.

They did that a lot, those two. Forming some little team of "make Rosie/Mom do something she thinks she shouldn't even though she knows she should." Anytime they did, my annoyance could never rise too high considering the way their relationship had started. Rocky would have been describing it at its best.

The first night we had Emmett over for a meal was awkward from the moment Emmett walked in and said hello, with Alex just grunting in response. Emmett was unsure of how to act around a pre-teenage boy and Alex had never seen me with anyone that I was interested in romantically. Even though Alex had wanted to meet Emmett, when he was finally in the same room with him, he ignored Emmett completely. From dinner right through to dessert and then coffee he barely acknowledged Emmett's existence. I'd gotten angrier and angrier as the night wore on.

I was completely unimpressed by Alex's behavior, snapping at more than just him as time dragged on. Eventually, Esme dragged me out onto the roof to get some air, leaving the boys inside on their own, while Carlisle and the girls did the dishes. By the time I'd taken several deep breaths and paced around the deck, letting the city noise and lights soothe me enough to go inside, the atmosphere was a lot different.

I found them, my man and my son, engaged in an epic Rock Band battle (the game thing he'd wanted for his birthday that Emmett had helped me find and buy). Emmett was on guitar, Alex on drums and for some reason, Carlisle was singing. Horribly out of tune. They spent a good two hours involved with game and ignoring me until finally I'd had enough and stole the mike from Carlisle and belted out a familiar tune about stars floating in the dark. Emmett smiled, recognizing the song that first brought us together and after Alex reprimanded me for cutting into their 'bonding time,' things were much better between us all.

It was as if Dave Grohl himself had given us his blessing.

"Sweetness, you know it's rude to go all space cadet when I'm attempting to seduce you here." Emmett's voice is filled with his usual sarcasm and I blink, realizing that I had indeed drifted off. A real feat considering his mouth is now right above my knee and my skirt is up around my hips, my panties somewhere on the floor.

Huh, how did that happen?

"Sorry, babe. Just thinking." I offer as an excuse and I too wonder how I missed his artful teasing and seduction. I really have to learn to shut my brain off.

"No thinking. Thinking is a very bad thing right now, Rosie. It should be all Emmett, all the time." he smirks before returning his lips to my heated skin.

I laugh, ruffling his curls, albeit his much shorter than normal locks. He tried out a new stylist last week and if I have anything to do with it, he won't be going back again. At least my ring doesn't get caught anymore but I do miss the way his waves would fall across his forehead, demanding I push them back. I look down at my hand, the white sparkle of diamond nestled amongst the raven of his locks stands out all the more. I still can't believe that I'm going to be his wife, that he even went to my parents and asked them for my hand.

And that they still shut the door in his face.

Not that I was surprised at that factor. Esme had been trying to talk them out of whatever it is that they've decided to hold against me for this long, to no avail. Why would Emmett make any difference? I will admit, when he told me what had happened (well, after I'd dragged it out of him) I was enraged. What had Emmett ever done to cause such a reception? Sure, if I'd been with him then it would be expected, if not somewhat normal. But just Emmett? Just some beautiful stranger wanting to discuss his love for their 'wayward' daughter and her 'bastard son?' Well it wasn't like I would expect their opinions to change, not after all these years. They decided a long time ago that I wasn't worth any trouble, wasn't worth the drama of adding anymore tarnish to the Hale name.

Emmett's family and the family I'd chosen to make from my friends were more than happy for the both of us to forget he'd even bothered trying with my parents at all.

In the three years we've been together, I've never not felt that what we have is right. It is perfect. But in less than three months there will be proof on paper that he is mine as much as I am his. Forever more.

"Are you staring at your ring again?" Emmett asks with his usual dimple deep grin. The same grin he has whenever he catches me being fawning over the perfect sized rock that adorns my hand.

"A little," I admit, sweeping my fingertips down the side of his face where he leans his cheek into my palm.

"Well, I obviously wasn't doing a good enough job of distracting you, then was I?" He says, and I agree, shifting my legs further apart and whispering for him to go on.

He laughs, blowing a raspberry on my inner thigh before heading further up and I remember how well he knows my body. The little things he does, the teasing, the nips and licks and presses of that talented tongue and heated mouth have my legs shaking in his usual achingly slow build to my release. I've forgotten the dinner, forgotten about work and life outside what is still our 'bubble' and what we need and mean to each other. When he kisses his way back up my shattered and jello-like body, I press my lips to his and my fingers finally rid him of the last vestiges of clothing. So eager am I to taste and touch and revisit the hard muscle and tone of his body. The parts I love, the scars that tell many stories and the spots that make his toes curl and face blush.

I never thought or believed that I could be this happy. Never imagined I could be this secure in how my life has become now that I finally let someone in and believed that I was worthy of more than one night stands. Alex has only benefited from the love I've found with Emmett, the love that he not only showers upon me, but feels for my son. The day that Alex asked if he could just call him Dad to make it easier to explain to his friends who Emmett was and meant to him is a day I'll never forget. It might have sounded like Alex was trying to be offhand and all 'cool' about it, but I could see the nervous twitch to his eyes and the hesitant tone to his voice. He'd been so worried about it the first time he tried to talk to Emmett, he'd reverted to signing instead.

It would have been funny if Emmett hadn't taken a course in ASL so he and Alex could talk without me 'hearing' what they were saying, so he heard every word.

Emmett attempted to hide his absolute delight and pride in being asked behind a shrug of the shoulders and a 'Yeah, that'd be fine.' My boys were weird like that. So overly emotional at different times but when together, it had become a men's club that on the odd occasion I wasn't invited to. I really didn't mind if it meant Emmett and Alex were enjoying themselves and keeping each other entertained.

I'm trying to remember how long it has been since Emmett came home and made me come, to how long we have before Alex may step through the kitchen door. It's no good, I can only focus on Emmett and his hands, and mine travelling between his legs as he pulls me closer to the edge of the counter. When I ask him if we have time, he says what he always does. "We have all the time in the world." He's kissing my neck again and finally tells me that he locked the door. Yes, locked the door because he'd had one hung after a small incident involving nakedness, chocolate sauce and his sister walking in unannounced when we'd first started dating.

And with that knowledge, it's all systems go.

It's only with the incessant beeping of the oven, pre-baked bread rolls I'd picked up on the way home, that we break apart. Emmett's forehead rests against mine, his eyes as blue as the ocean and just as deep, whispering that I should leave it. I'm reminded of a dream I had so very long ago.

But this isn't a dream.

He isn't that guy I watched and fantasized about any longer. I'm here, in his arms and the reality is better than some dream sequence could ever be. For we aren't strangers in the subway anymore.

~ Fin ~


So, the end.

Epic A/n Is epically long...

Turn back now if you want...

I hope you all enjoyed it, I've had probably one of my most enjoyable times writing this, getting to know my beautiful friend and betafish LightStarDust even better when she kicked my ass and made me rethink things I wrote. Truly, if only you'd all seen the conversations of silly that went on in Gdocs notes section! She rocks my socks this ficMomma of mine and I dedicate half of these words to her. The other belongs to Hmonster4 who is more than just the crazy person who donated to charity JUST to make me write Emmett for her. She's this wonderful, amazing human being who prods and pokes and pushes and pimps JUST to promote good storytelling and MORE of her most favorite character. She's also a beautiful friend who makes me laugh and cry and want to SQUEESH her with endless huggles purely because she can be as fluffy as a unicorn and the next minute be as strong as an ox, standing up for what she believes in to the very end.

I love them. These huge hearts that live inside two people I've yet to meet but OH THE DAY WE DO! It'll be kersplosive love fest that will be felt around the world!

To SubtlePen who helped when she could, to ilsuocantante for always being there. ILY. To Tanja who reads on Twilighted but always, ALWAYS pimps and 'gets' my words and loves characters I play with more than I think I do!

AND TO YOU! YES YOU! The readers there that commented or purely tuned in every so often to catch up with Emmett and Rose.. the once Subway Strangers. You've all made this 'journey' so wonderful. Especially MY JANEE02/LISALOVE83 BECAUSE I forgot to mention her on ffn and that is just sofa king WRONG LOVE her and her support and her giggles and her DEMANDING of sexy times. She's awesome like that xoxo

Next? Well more Emmett and this time Alice around May of this year. I want to have it complete before I post so no more DELAYS when i just can't write. AND I've been sucked into the potter fandom... a HPHG multichap and a possible dramione before the middle of the year too.

Thank you.

Much love.


pairing: (twi) emmett/rosalie

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