Weekly Roundup - Seriously These Should Say Monthly...

Jan 13, 2011 18:08


but meh, I'm bored and I like making lists...

So janee02 and I were discussing fanfic lol and of course this usually leads to a "well what are YOU reading?" scenario.

In which she names fics I've never heard of and I name fandoms she doesn't play in...

My alerts list has dwindled completely in the Twilight Fandom. I think I've started 2 new fics in the past the past 6 months I've actually kept up with.


The Plan by Quantumfizzx was great over the Christmas break because it was a different style, updated three or four or I think once 7 times a day in short chunks.  I got bored toward the end but, it worked.  no I won't be reading the sequel

Through The Oak Door by struckatthesky has a really different plot and keeps me on my toes with the suspense and mystery air to it!  whatsmynom  sent me to read it and I'm addicted.

Things that finished or are about to..

Inconceivable by AccioBourbon my last Emmett/Rose that I truly have loved and devoured every chapter. It's magical.
Deep Dish by Starfish422 a sad and happy goodbye to Starfish writing fanfic (well multichaps) as she tries her hand at OF ... which basically DD was anyway with hardly any Twi References at all.  I truly hope she keeps at her writing and gets it out there further than just us of the fanfic world.
Here, There and Everywhere by LightStarDusting came to a beautiful close.  I love my beta/prereader/fandomMomma frand and her words were just .. gorgeous. I even agreed with the non Jella ending not that I'll ever admit that to her

Things that are still on my alert list...
Bada Bing! Bada Boom! by clichesbullet ONE day I'll get her to finish this. I may bug my frand on twitter about it ALL THE TIME
Dinnertime by GiveUsAKiss413 another one that hopefully will get some mojo and complete eventually (I really hate giving up on things I love)
Irritable Grizzly Adams by Caligula42 one I've been reading virtually since I started in the fandom. Its nearly complete so I'll keep sticking it out
Raw and Rosy Revisited by tuesdaymidnight extras that pop up from time to time from my first and only spank!fic
Uncomfortable by SavannahVee one of the few slash reads I have left that I LOVE and will drop things to read
We Come To Life Beneath The Stars by Lillybellis the last of my great ExB reads. I love the characterizations LB has, they're so deep and warm and flawed.. perfect
When Fiction Becomes Reality I have faith that this fic will complete this year. Another like IGA that I've been reading FOREVER yet still love

I have a heap of fandom friends that are still writing within Twilight land that I preread for and I DO love their stuff too..  check them out if you're looking for something GOOD
ilsuocantante/wearingwords , lightstardust /lightstardustingfngrcufs /fngrcufs and their combined awesome at  fngrdust there's probably more, they're just the ones I've read stuff for lately.

SO what AM I reading instead?


Dawn French Biography -  Dear, Fatty. *****
Dawn French novel - A Tiny Bit Marvleous ****
Sara Douglass 3rd in the Dark Glass Mountain Series - The Infinity Gate *****
Maggie Stiefvater - Linger **
Thomas E. Sniegoski - The Fallen/Leviathan ****
JUST about to start Anna and the French Kiss by  Stephanie Perkins which comes highly recommended as some fluffy romance goodness

and.. I have immersed myself in Harry Potterfic. IMMERSED. I used to read it for fun, when I wanted something out of Twi, well now i'm SO out of Twi there is only one other fandom I play in on a regular basis!
I've read about 30 Drarry one shots, 20 or so Dramione's and a few of the other pairings and I CAN NOT STOP. I love it so much I've got a Harry/Hermione in the works and a Dramione plot bunny waiting to happen.  
I do have an Emmett/Alice I was playing with too, 3 chapters written... we'll see.

So that's me...  Had my 30th, had a quiet rained in Christmas followed by a completely AWESOME New Year spent with the family kiyaraven in the city, add to that a January of flooding and devastation and amongst that the first Niece in our little family to be born.. 2011 is a fickle being already!

At least I have Byron MARCH 2011 with n7of9 and Sydney Co to look forward too!!

::books are friends too::, tv = the other love, !its an aussie thing, -fuckery-, tv = skins

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