Drabbles - Together Alone (Jasper/Alice)

Dec 07, 2010 23:43

Together, Alone. for fngrcufs birthday
Genre: Twilight - Angst / Romance

Characters: Alice, Jasper

Rating: T/M for some language

Status: Complete

Beta'd By: lightstardust

Summary: From beginning to end: Drabbles of the relationship kind.

My Lazy Ass Wife's Random Birthday Drabblefest 2010 Style

as checkered by LSD (no, not the drug, the not so weighty remains of what once was a sun)

they're a lil around 100 but hey, who's counting words when t'here are CANDLES around! They are linked.. kinda, sorta.. in that random this is a couple and it's all about them way. Get it? No? Good.


Alice on Jasper

I hate Jasper.

I hate his pretty face.

I hate his boring grey eyes, the color of oatmeal (I also hate oatmeal).

I hate that he's forever smiling, no one is perpetually that happy. Unless they're high.

I hate how he's so nice.

I hate how he asks me out every day at lunch, and just walks away with a shrug when I say no.

I hate that he's consistent, persistent, and other synonyms for annoying.

I hate his lips when they say my name.

I hate his long fingers that always twitch when he walks beside me, as if they're itching to wrap around my own.

I hate how much I don't hate him.

Not even a little.

Not even at all.


He loves me.

He loves me not.

He loves me.

He loves me not.

He loves me.

He called me 'sweets.' He only ever called her that. Now he doesn't call her at all.

He loves me not.

I'm too short. Too skinny. Too weird.

He loves me.

He helped me up off the floor after James knocked me down and I skinned my knee.

He loves me not.

He didn't say anything when Felix called me an 'emo cutting freak.'

He loves me.

He always looks at me, not through me when he says goodbye.

He loves me.

He loves me not.

He loves me.

He loves me not.

Jasper on Alice

I keep her socks from the first night she spends in my room.

I know, it's odd, but they remind me of her.

Small yet resilient. Tiny yet flexible.

There's a hole in the left foot, right where her big toe has wiggled it's way through the tightly woven wool. Every night, when she answers my call and is reluctant to say goodnight, I finger that hole, knowing it's the one part of her that is stronger than the rest. For now.

Someday she'll put holes in all her socks with all her toes.



"Alice! What are you-"

She doesn't answer, I hear her giggles and see her lithe form race around the corner of the kitchen, short black curls bouncing with every step.

I should never have bought her that camera for her birthday.

*click... whirrr*

"Dammit, Alice! did you just take a picture of my-"

A snort and she's off again, this time headed for the bedroom we sleep in, the room where every night I make us whole. My broken girl that only pure persistence fixed.

I pick up the Polaroid where it lies beside my sleep pants outside the door. I can hear soft noises of our plain cotton sheets being shuffled around. That book she was reading, a heavy novel that she apparently 'has to finish' before she dies thudding to the floor.

Maybe the camera wasn't a bad idea after all.


Time flies when you're having fun.

All good things come to those who wait.

We were the best of things, we were the worst of things.

It took her most of Junior and a third of Senior year to finally go out with me.

It took him a day to tell me he loved me, and one second for me to run from three words.

I never knew how patient I could be.

I never knew what it felt like to be that wanted.

She still has her bad days, where not even I can reach her.

He still smiles too much, but now I smile back.

I love her.

He loves me.

I love him.

She loves me.

pairing: (twi) jasper/alice

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