Weekly Roundup - April 19 2010

May 19, 2010 21:37

I haven't done this in FOREVER so I thought while I'm sitting here watching Spicks and Specks (an AWESOME music game tv show here in oz) I thought I should..


Virtually all my writing is on hiatus. Writers block kicks my ass on a every other day basis but I am getting a little done when I can.

The Appointment has about 5k in and another 3 scenes to get through.
Where The Road Meets The Sun 2k in, WAY more to go.
Subway Strangers 500ish words.
Washington & Thirteenth On hiatus until Subway Stalkers is finished.

I have TWO more auction fics from New Moon FGB to complete.
A zombie WTRMTS alternate universe one shot for kiyaraven
An ExB one shot for wearingwords

I have a small one shot for the Fanfiction for Nashville appeal to have in which is a scene from complete.

SO basically, updates.. will happen WHEN they can.

What I'm Reading

For The Summer by camoozle and not just cuz I preread for her, its freaking awesome! - Edward/Bella
Deep Dish by starfish422 - OC's from Over The Top.
The Long Way Home by HeartofLife - Rosalie centric
Down & Across a colab from Hmonster4 and Heartoflife - Rosalie/Emmett
Master of the Universe - Edward/Bella
Small Fire of Winter Stars by wearingwords AU Edward/Bella

There's probably a couple more. But I just can't remember them, or they haven't updated lately.

What I'm Reading - REAL books

The Gathering by Anne Enright
Lover Avenged by JR Ward re reading, and probably the rest of them too.
The Iron King by Julie Kagawa


n7of9 and camoozle have me addicted to SPARTACUS - BLOOD AND SAND. So freaking GOOD and I'm kinda in love with Spartacus and in lust with Crixus

I'm DYING to see the last episode of LOST just to find out the end. But I'm out of bandwidth till the 24th so I JUST HAVE TO WAIT! Same for GLEE.

AND that VAMPIRE DIARIES ending?? O M G. Now i'm DYING for the next season as well as...

Oh HELL YES! Bring on Eric in TRUE BLOOD! Another show thats started or is about to start and I'm going to behind I'm sure!

I rewatched FUNNY PEOPLE with one of my gal pals' on Monday and I STILL enjoyed it the second time around. Its an odd choice of movie with Adam Sandler playing a serious role. Not AS serious as he was in PUNCH DRUNK LOVE but still... its emotional and funny so. Its win for me!

I had a little Teen movie marathon the other weekend with THE BREAKFAST CLUB, EMPIRE RECORDS and SHE'S ALL THAT . LOVE all of those.


I've been Icon hunting due to my love of Damon from TVD and Chuck from GG


and a few gifs i've collected.. mostly Glee and mostly from fight_the_sky for she is AWESOME at making them!

AND that's about it.

OH! And on Twitter you can follow the Black Dagger Brotherhood characters and they Role Play in tweet form... I may have set my tweetdeck up with their own column just so I can giggle and read along. I may also have squeed when Vishous and Rhage followed me back (ask camoozle I may have emailed her the evidence!)

(weekly roundup of all things), !gifs/animations, !icons

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