How dull am i?

Jun 27, 2007 23:28

So now it begins...

I will probably disappoint everyone with this, as I am not very good at keeping any type of diary or journal.
However,  this will be a small disappointment, as I'm sure maybe three people will actually look at this.
Or maybe they will stop looking because I have a VERY boring life during the summer....
Honestly, you would think that I would be having a good time, going to parties and going nuts, but alas. I go to class twice a day, try to work out every day, clean, play video games, do my homework, and go to bed. Four days a week. The other three days, I sleep, do homework, clean, try to go to the gym once a day, and go to work.
Some days, if I'm really lucky, I get to see Yachtmitt. He has class and an internship, so these moments are rare.

In all reality, the most exciting things that have happened to me this summer were getting my bottom two wisdom teeth out and getting braces.

Anyway, I guess this is all I can say as of right now, because I have some homework to read......
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