A Change in Plans

Oct 19, 2007 22:51

    Well so my weekend kinda back-flipped on me.

Kickball had to be canceled because we couldn't come up with enough people to play. We were short by SIX people, which is an entire team.  Now, I know six other people I could have invited, but I wanted to have a good time, and not have to worry about hypocrites, crybabies, and babble-along's.

So, instead of relaxing and kicking back on Sunday, I did today. Which was nice. I only had O-chem to go to today because I took my Oral Exam in Japanese Wednesday. So after class I came back and took a sleep. Because, in reality, you can't call seven hours of sleep a nap. :)

So I woke up, and finished the horror movie I had been watching when I did fall asleep. That really says a lot about the quality of the film, now doesn't it. I seriously need to find a movie that can actually scare me. And someone to see Saw IV with. Any takers? Or all you all scared-y cats??

Anyway, I don't really see myself sleeping tonight (go figure) so I think I'm going to be a little productive and do all of my Physics, O-Chem, and Japanese reading done tonight. In the lounge. Where it is warm.

Speaking of reading, someone who will not be named owes me two manga. Because they were stolen in your possession. To remedy this please select one of the following:
       A- Buy both books and return them to me
       B- Give me the money so that I can repurchase them. That would be Twenty Dollars plus tax.
    I know how sticky you are on money, so I don't think I should have to say anything else about this.

Hmmm.... Hot chocolate and text books. I can just taste the academia. ^_^

Ja ne~!
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